资源说明:Script to backup your Twitter friends timeline
Script to backup your friends timeline Install how-to: 1. Download twitter-backup.pl in ~/path/ 2. cd ~/path/ 3. mkdir backup 4. echo 1 > backup/lastid 5. chmod +x twitter-backup.pl 6. Launch ./twitter-backup.pl and follow instructions for uncommenting OAuth section and adding your TOKEN and SECRET 7. Ignore warnings at first launch 8. Edit your crontab. For example: @hourly perl ~/path/backup-tweets.pl >> ~/.backup-tweets.log 9. logrotate backup/twitter-current. For example: @monthly mv ~/path/backup/twitter-current ~/path/backup/twitter-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") 10. logrotate output (~/.backup-tweets.log in example above) 11. Tweet "Hey, I use http://github.com/gcolpart/twitter-backup for backing up my tweets."