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资源说明:macOS builds of various open-source audio libraries
## Please use instead

Audio Frameworks for Mac OS X

This repository contains Xcode projects that help building Mac OS X libraries of various open-source audio libraries.


This repo doesn't contain the sources for the respective frameworks or libraries. You need to add those yourself. You can add them by hand (described below) or use the included `` to pull the sources.

You can use the included `` to build the dependencies for SFBAudioEngine. You can invoke it like this: 

./ /path/to/output  # builds libraries
./ /path/to/output                         # copies libs and headers to appropriate folders
cp -R /path/to/output/dist/* /path/to/SFBAudioEngine  # places libraries in SFBAudioEngine folder

The path in the argument must exist already!


(tested version: libcddb-1.3.2.tar.bz2)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "libcddb-src"
2. Move the folder into cddb/
3. Build


(tested version: libdiscid-0.3.0.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "libdiscid-src"
4. Move the folder into discid/
5. Build

DUMB (Dynamic Universal Music Bibliotheque)

(tested version: dumb-0.9.3.tar.gz,

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "dumb-src"
4. Move the folder into dumb/
5. Build


(tested version: libogg-1.3.0.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "libogg-src"
4. Move the folder into ogg/
5. Build


(tested version: flac-1.2.1.tar.gz)

1. Prepare ogg first
2. Download
3. Decompress
4. Rename folder to "flac-src"
5. Move the folder into flac/
6. Select the "Framework" build target
7. Build


(tested version: libmad-0.15.1b.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "libmad-src"
4. Move the folder into mad/
5. Apply the patch "mad.patch": 'patch < mad.patch' 
6. Build


(tested version: svn revision 501)

1. svn co -r 501 mp4v2-src
2. Move the folder into mp4v2/
3. Build


(tested version: musepack_src_r475.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "musepack-src"
4. Move the folder into musepack/
5. Apply the patch "mpc.patch": 'patch < mpc.patch'
6. Build

musicbrainz3 (deprecated)

(tested version: libmusicbrainz-3.0.3.tar.gz,

1. Prepare discid first
2. Download libmusicbrainz and neon
3. Decompress
4. Rename folders to "libmusicbrainz-src" and "neon-src"
5. Move the folders into musicbrainz3/
6. Build


(tested version: taglib 08863dec0b)

1. git clone taglib-src
2. cd taglib-src
3. git checkout 08863dec0b
4. Move the folder into taglib/
5. Build

Alternatively, you can use release version 1.8, but you will have to remove “infotag.h” and “infotag.cpp” from the project:

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "taglib-src"
4. Move the folder into taglib/
5. Build


(tested version: libvorbis-1.3.3.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "libvorbis-src"
4. Move the folder into vorbis/
5. Build


(tested version: wavpack-4.60.1.tar.bz2)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "wavpack-src"
4. Move the folder into wavpack/
5. Select the "Framework" build target
6. Build


(tested version: lame-3.99.5.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "lame-src"
4. Move the folder into lame/
5. Build


(tested version: libsndfile-1.0.25.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "libsndfile-src"
4. Move the folder into sndfile/
5. Build


(tested version: libofa-0.9.3.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename the folder to libofa-src
4. Move the folder into ofa1
5. Apply the patch "ofa1.patch": 'patch < ofa1.patch'
6. Build


1. Build


0. The original source was from inputSHORTEN, a lamip plugin.
1. Build


0. The original source is []
1. Build


(tested version: cuetools-1.3.1.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to "cuetools-src"
4. Move the folder into cuetools/
5. Build


(tested version: speex-1.2rc1.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename folder to speex-src
4. Move the folder into speex/
5. Build

tta, tta++

(tested version: libtta-2.1.tar.gz, libtta++-2.1.tar.gz)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename the folder (for tta use libtta-c-src, for tta++ use libtta++-src)
4. Move the folder into tta
5. Apply the patch "tta.patch": 'patch < tta.patch'
6. Build


(tested version: mpg123-1.14.4.tar.bz2)

1. Download
2. Decompress
3. Rename the folder to mpg123-src
4. Move the folder into mpg123
5. Build


The Xcode projects are distributed under the modified BSD license.
