文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:A small tool to set process affinity in Windows XP SP3, Vista and Windows 7
This will happily compile using mingw32.

1) Install gcc, binutils, w32-runtime and msys.
2) make proc_affinity

To use it, type ./proc_affinity (name of process) (affinity)

Affinity takes the form of a hexadecimal (or decimal) number
that denotes which processors to enable or disable.  For

Affinity | Hexadecimal | Binary
    1    |     0x1     |  0001
    2    |     0x2     |  0010
    3    |     0x3     |  0011
    4    |     0x4     |  0100
    5    |     0x5     |  0101
    6    |     0x6     |  0110
    7    |     0x7     |  0111
    8    |     0x8     |  1000
    9    |     0x9     |  1001
   10    |     0xA     |  1010
   11    |     0xB     |  1011
   12    |     0xC     |  1100
   13    |     0xD     |  1101
   14    |     0xE     |  1110
   15    |     0xF     |  1111
... and so on

Each binary digit refers to a processor or core.  With this in
mind, 1 turns on the first core/processor and turns all others off,
2 turns on the second core/processor and turns all others off, while
3 turns on the first two cores/processors.  This continues until you
get to 15, which enables four cores.
