资源说明:Lifestreaming plugin for Wordpress
=== Lifestream === Contributors: zeeg, llygoden Tags: lifestream, rss, social, miniblogging, twitter, flickr, friendfeed, delicious, last.fm, facebook, digg, atom, instapaper, Google Plus, youtube Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.1.3 Stable tag: trunk Streams your activity from over 50 different sources to your blog. == Description == Lifestream displays your social feeds and photos much like you would see it on many of the social networking sites. This version is taken from the Github Source after changes have been made Homepage: http://www.enthropia.com/labs/wp-lifestream/ Source: https://github.com/dcramer/wp-lifestream Support: https://github.com/dcramer/wp-lifestream/issues Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wplifestream Requirements: * PHP 5.x * WordPress 2.8+ * MySQL 5.x == Installation == Upload the plugin (unzipped) into `/wp-content/plugins/`. You should end up with `/wp-content/plugins/lifestream/lifestream.php`. Activate the plugin under the "Plugins" menu. Visit "Lifestream" -> "Settings" to configure the basic options, and add feeds. There are severals methods in which you can use Lifestream in a WordPress page. The easiest way is to use the normal context handler (works in pages and posts): `[lifestream]` Another method requires a [custom WordPress page](http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages#Page_Templates), or the use of a template, and is a simple function call: `` You may also specify several parameters in the `lifestream` method (useful for sidebar display). These should be in the standard key=>value format for PHP calls. * `(int) offset`: defaults to 0 * `(int) limit`: defaults to '50' * `(string) date_interval`: defaults to '1 month' * `(boolean) break_events`: defaults to false - forces grouped events to be single * `(array) user_ids`: defaults to all users -- specify the ids of users to show * `(array) feed_types`: defaults to all feeds -- specify the feed keys (e.g. twitter) to show * `(array) feed_ids`: defaults to all feeds -- specify the ids of feeds to show, also overrides `feed_types` setting For example: `[lifestream limit="10"]` For more advanced uses, you may directly use `get_events()` which will return an array of `Event` instances. This is the same syntax as the `lifestream()` method. Example: `
$events = $lifestream->get_events($options);
foreach ($events as $event)
echo '
- '.$event->render($options).' '; } ?>