资源说明:Skeleton libraries for AVR ATmega boards such as the arduino
ATMega Skeleton: Skeleton libraries for AVR ATmega boards such as the arduino. Helping out with ATMega Skeleton -------------------------------- To contribute, get started with the following: - Fork the project and start hacking. - Make a pull request. Setting up a dev environment ---------------------------- You will need avr-gcc toolchain, make and some other packages. On a Debian clone following will install the build-essentials. $ sudo apt-get install make gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc Optionally you can install "avrdude" an AVR controller programming tool: $ sudo apt-get install avrdude libusb-dev The following might help: - [Detailed help for setting up AVR Dev Environment] [avr_gcc_howto] - [How to setup and use avrdude] [avrdude_howto] [avr_gcc_howto]: http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/install_tools.html [avrdude_howto]: http://www.ladyada.net/learn/avr/avrdude.html