资源说明:The last article I wrote introduced some of the basic concepts of the Visual Component Framework. Much of it dealt with some of the techniques I used to get things like the advanced RTTI features to work, as well as other features of the core of the VCF, the Foundation Kit. In this article we ll see that all of the stuff is actually there for a reason ! We will walk through the steps of putting together a simple scribble application, which will cover things like drawing, events, customizing VCF component classes, and menus. As I know you are all breathless with anticipation, and in fact due to the millions of letters of fan mail, and the hundreds of thousands of adoring fans out there, let s dive right in !!!
- ForShowInfoDialog.zip定义对话框 能够显示GIF BMP 最基本的功能
- Test.rar关于对话框按钮的操作功能实现,讲解组合框(如何调整组合框的大小)、列表框、单选按 ...
- 3DHelperDemo.zip一个基于mfc对话框和OPenGL的三维模型显示框架
- sourcecode.zipgui tool kit 1.5,外国的免费界面开发包
- ShowBMP.rar教你如何在对话框上显示你想要显示的BMP图片。
- FontDlg.rar教你如何使用字体对话框,里面是相关的代码。
- DynaArray.rarExample of carray and struct based on dialog.
- CaptionDemo_prj.zip修改标题栏的颜色、大小和字体,支持激活和非激活的窗口
- Desktop.rar弹出窗口(如果其他会员下载一次您上传的源码,您的可用下载数就会增加1次) ...
- wenbnekuang.rar文本框控件的动态创建!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Visual_C++_500_Samples.rarVisual.C++编程技巧精选500例随书附盘 第1章 消息框 1.消息框设置演示 第2章 常用控 ...
- Xtreme.ToolkitPro.v12.0.0.rarCodejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, 当前最新版本,含全部源代码,以及103个例子工 ...
- PPTtimer.rar这是一个PPT报告演讲定时器,总是前台显示的半透明窗口,可以自己设置定时时间,定时 ...
- WinFinder_src.zip类似VC里的spy++程序使用鼠标指定窗口的控件
- WaitDialog.zip系统处于等待/忙状态时用的对话框
- vc中报表与打印源代码printformeditor_source.zip报表的打印,预览的源代码,轻松实现报表打印。功能强大
- realtime.rar漂亮美观实用的,有VC+编制的动态曲线显示源码,只需稍做改进就可用于各行各业 ...
- MFC.zip学习MFC控件使用的好书籍,里面的介绍十分详细!
- gradient_palette.zip在窗口内绘制渐变背景
- skin.rarskinmagic 的各种皮肤包,提供各种你需要的不同界面,无密码