文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Django App for Backing Up Model Data
VZ Backup

Django App for automagically backing up Models data.  Backups can be compressed, sent to ADMINS.

Uses Django's [dumpdata](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#dumpdata-appname-appname-appname-model 'dumpdata docs') management command.

With this app you can [reset](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#reset-appname-appname 'reset docs') an app's model data and [loaddata](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#loaddata-fixture-fixture 'loaddata docs') from an existing backup archive.

Reloading from backup archive will fail if hash from model does not match file.


Use at own risk.  While I'm happy with the amount of tests, this app has not been tested very much with models that have ManyToMany or OneToMany fields.  I predict some instability when reloading data from models that contain or require data from other apps. 


* Email
* Auto/Manual Pruning
* Download
* Re-load 
    * From Admin Site
    * From Command
* Sha-1 hash check


![admin integration](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin.png "admin integration")

![admin detail 01](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin-detail01.png "admin detail 01")

![admin detail 02](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin-detail02.png "admin detail 02")

![admin detail 03](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin-detail03.png "admin detail 03")


**VZ_BACKUP_DIR** - required, full path to directory for backup archive files

**VZ_BACKUP_INDENT** - optional, default is 4, see [Django documentation](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#djadminopt---indent)

**VZ_BACKUP_FORMAT** - optional, serialization format, default is json, see [Django documentation](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/serialization/#id1)

**VZ_BACKUP_SEND_FILE** - optional, how to *send* the file upon download from admin interface.  
This can be either:

* None (default), this will use the [Django FileWrapper class](http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/core/servers/basehttp.py#L32), 
this is not the best way to do this
* x-accel-redirect (for Nginx) see the [Nginx docs](http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxXSendfile)
* x-send-file (for Apache with mod_xsendfile) see the 
[mod_xsendfile docs](http://tn123.ath.cx/mod_xsendfile/)


### BackupObject

A backup manager for an app.

**app_label** - charfield, from application being backed up.

**include** - boolean, a *switch* that turns backups on/off for this app.  Easier than deleting for troubleshooting.

**use_natural_keys** - boolean, see [django documentation](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#djadminopt---natural)

**compress** - charfield, choices are bz2, gz, or none

**prune_by** - charfield, can either be:

* count - delete after *x* number of archives that are not marked as *keep*, starting with oldest.  *x* is defined in **prune_by** 
* size - delete after total aggregated archive size of archives not marked *keep* for app reaches *x*.  *x* is defined as kilo bytes in **prune_by**
* time - delete archives not marked *keep* after *x* days starting with oldest. *x* is defined as days in **prune_by** 
* none - don't prune

**prune_value** - positive integer, see **prune_by**

**auto_prune** - boolean, auto prune after each backup?

**mail_to** - optional, manytomany (User), list of admins to send new backups to

**created** - datetime

**modified** - datetime

Management Commands

### add_to_backups

`./manage.py add_to_backups widget`

This creates a BackupObject for the widget app.

`./manage.py backukp_all`

This backs up all backup objects with include switch on.  Useful for cron jobs.

Admin Site Integration

### Extras in *js* and *css* Directories

* [Tablesorter](http://tablesorter.com/) and [jQuery](http://jquery.com) libraries
* vz_backup_tablesorter.js 
* vz_backup.css 

Adding the preceding items to your media directory will sort functionality to a *nicely* integrated BackupArchive control 
