资源说明:Django App for Backing Up Model Data
VZ Backup ========= Django App for automagically backing up Models data. Backups can be compressed, sent to ADMINS. Uses Django's [dumpdata](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#dumpdata-appname-appname-appname-model 'dumpdata docs') management command. With this app you can [reset](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#reset-appname-appname 'reset docs') an app's model data and [loaddata](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#loaddata-fixture-fixture 'loaddata docs') from an existing backup archive. Reloading from backup archive will fail if hash from model does not match file. ### WARNING Use at own risk. While I'm happy with the amount of tests, this app has not been tested very much with models that have ManyToMany or OneToMany fields. I predict some instability when reloading data from models that contain or require data from other apps. TODO ---- *Auto/Manual Pruning*Download* Re-load *From Admin Site* From Command *Sha-1 hash checkScreenshots ----------- ![admin integration](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin.png "admin integration") ![admin detail 01](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin-detail01.png "admin detail 01") ![admin detail 02](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin-detail02.png "admin detail 02") ![admin detail 03](http://github.com/jobscry/vz-backup/raw/master/screenshots/admin-detail03.png "admin detail 03") Settings -------- **VZ_BACKUP_DIR** - required, full path to directory for backup archive files **VZ_BACKUP_INDENT** - optional, default is 4, see [Django documentation](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#djadminopt---indent) **VZ_BACKUP_FORMAT** - optional, serialization format, default is json, see [Django documentation](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/serialization/#id1) **VZ_BACKUP_SEND_FILE** - optional, how to *send* the file upon download from admin interface. This can be either: * None (default), this will use the [Django FileWrapper class](http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/core/servers/basehttp.py#L32), this is not the best way to do this * x-accel-redirect (for Nginx) see the [Nginx docs](http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxXSendfile) * x-send-file (for Apache with mod_xsendfile) see the [mod_xsendfile docs](http://tn123.ath.cx/mod_xsendfile/) Models ------ ### BackupObject A backup manager for an app. **app_label** - charfield, from application being backed up. **include** - boolean, a *switch* that turns backups on/off for this app. Easier than deleting for troubleshooting. **use_natural_keys** - boolean, see [django documentation](http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#djadminopt---natural) **compress** - charfield, choices are bz2, gz, or none **prune_by** - charfield, can either be: * count - delete after *x* number of archives that are not marked as *keep*, starting with oldest. *x* is defined in **prune_by** * size - delete after total aggregated archive size of archives not marked *keep* for app reaches *x*. *x* is defined as kilo bytes in **prune_by** * time - delete archives not marked *keep* after *x* days starting with oldest. *x* is defined as days in **prune_by** * none - don't prune **prune_value** - positive integer, see **prune_by** **auto_prune** - boolean, auto prune after each backup? **mail_to** - optional, manytomany (User), list of admins to send new backups to **created** - datetime **modified** - datetime Management Commands ------------------- ### add_to_backups `./manage.py add_to_backups widget` This creates a BackupObject for the widget app. `./manage.py backukp_all` This backs up all backup objects with include switch on. Useful for cron jobs. Admin Site Integration ---------------------- ### Extras in *js* and *css* Directories * [Tablesorter](http://tablesorter.com/) and [jQuery](http://jquery.com) libraries * vz_backup_tablesorter.js * vz_backup.css Adding the preceding items to your media directory will sort functionality to a *nicely* integrated BackupArchive control panel.