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资源说明:A library to facilitate the use of Facebook Connect from Cold Fusion applications. Essentially a rewritten version of the official Facebook Connect php class.
Facebook Connect Library for ColdFusion
by James Constable


This library was created because I had to implement Facebook Connect on a website built in ColdFusion and the official Facebook Connect library is written in php.


I'm assuming you've already set up the Javascript side of Facebook Connect and are just looking to access the connected Facebook account from ColdFusion.

Create the object and call the init function to read the cookies which should be present on your site after the Facebook Connect process.

Return the parameters that Facebook provided as part of the connect cookie.  These will come in useful depending on how you want to interact with Facebook.

makeRequest(method:String, params:Struct)
Makes a request to the Facebook API.  Provide the method you want to call and the paramaters you want to specify as a struct.  Full documentation on what you can and can't do is available at http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Facebook_Connect

Checks that the user is still logged in to Facebook and that their session hasn't expired.

Logs a user out of the current Facebook session.
