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资源说明:Python extension for Nitgen fingerprint recognition devices
:Info: See `github `_ for the latest source.
:Author: Alexandre Fiori 


NitgenBSP is a Python extension based on the `Nitgen SDK for Linux `_. It currently supports Nitgen fingerprint recognition devices such as `Fingkey Hamster `_ and `Fingkey Hamster II `_.

Implementation details

- It has been tested under Ubuntu Linux 9.10
- Require root access level (actually depends on file permission of /dev/nitgen0)
- Only supports the device auto-detection mode (I don't have 2 devices do try manual selection)
- Supports verification with the FIR Handle and Text-Encoded FIR (not the FULL FIR)
- Allows the Text-Encoded FIR to be saved on remote database for later verification
- Text-Encoded FIR does not allow multi-byte encoding, however, supports adding payload (user data) within
- Ships with `PIL `_ support and allows saving fingerprint images as JPG, PNG, etc
- Supports the Nitgen in-memory Search Engine API

Documentation and Examples

The source code ships with built-in Python Docstring documentation for class reference. It also ships with examples in the `examples/ `_ subdirectory.

However, using NitgenBSP is pretty straightforward even for those with no experience with biometric devices.
Here is an example of simple usage::

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # coding: utf-8
 import NitgenBSP

 if __name__ == "__main__":
    nbio = NitgenBSP.Handler()

    finger = nbio.capture()
    image = finger.image()"out.png")

    print "your fingerprint text-encoded FIR is:", finger.text()

Thanks to (in no particular order):

- Nitgen Brazil
  - For providing documentation and granting permission for this code to be published
