文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:compiler frontend for golang

This program will hopefully make it easier to compile
source code written in the go programming language.

A dependency graph is constructed from imports, this
is sorted with a topological sort to figure out if a legal
compile order is possible (loop check). The dependency
graph itself is used to compile packages, i.e. each
packages sits in its own go-routine and waits for its
dependencies to finish before it starts.

Install:  [Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows]

> go run mk.go install

This will compile + link the binary (gd) and move it
to $HOME/bin if it is present, if not it falls back to

> go run mk.go -help  to see all available targets/options

Try it Out:

You can try to compile the same source using the generated
executable: gd

$ gd src          # will compile source inside src
$ gd -p src       # will print dependency info gathered
$ gd -s src       # will print legal compile order
$ gd src -test    # will run unit-tests
$ gd src -fmt     # will format (gofmt) the source-code
$ gd src -o gd    # will compile and link executable


Hans Stimer
Markus Martin
Robert Hencke
Hunter Freyer
Michael Henke
Remo Hertig

Philosophy (Babble?)

Without a tool to figure out which order the source should
be compiled, Makefiles are usually the result. Makefiles
are static in nature, which make them a poor choice to handle
a dynamic problem like a changing source tree. They also make
flat structures quite common, since this usually simplifies
the Makefiles, but makes organisation far less intuitive than
a directory-tree package-structure.


Bash completion script for gd is placed inside util/


The logo was made with LaTeX and tikz, it's basically just
an upside down g filled with yellow..

=start LaTeX


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node [scale=75,fill=black!100,opacity=.8, rounded corners]
   at (current page.center) {}; 
  \node [rotate=180,scale=63,text opacity=0.9,yellow]
   at (current page.center) {g};

=end LaTeX

