资源说明:hardware-independent openWRT-extension (using POSIX-shell as main-language) for setting up, monitor and manage many, large wifi-mesh-networks for different locations including billing, captive portal / splash screen / weblogin, accounting, data retention and layer7/8-QoS
kalua - build mesh-networks _without_ pain ========================================== [![HitCount](http://hits.dwyl.com/bittorf/kalua.svg)](https://github.com/bittorf/kalua) * community: http://wireless.subsignal.org * monitoring: http://intercity-vpn.de/networks/giancarlo/ * documentation: [API](http://wireless.subsignal.org/index.php?title=Firmware-Dokumentation_API) needing support? join the [club](http://blog.maschinenraum.tk) or ask for [consulting](http://bittorf-wireless.de) [flattr]: https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=bittorf&url=https://github.com/bittorf/kalua&title=kalua&language=&tags=github&category=software [flattrGFX]: http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png [bitcoin]: https://blockchain.info/address/184Rzvif2EfpW1EycmL3SWt64n8L1vHQdJ [bitcoinGFX]: http://intercity-vpn.de/files/bitcoin-button.png [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/bittorf/kalua [travisGFX]: https://travis-ci.org/bittorf/kalua.png * [![flattr this repo][flattrGFX]][flattr] * [![sending bitcoins][bitcoinGFX]][bitcoin] * [![build status now][travisGFX]][travis] TLDR! - just get me started: ---------------------------- ``` wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bittorf/kalua/master/openwrt-build/build.sh sh build.sh --openwrt trunk && cd openwrt && ../build.sh --help # or build an image: ../build.sh --openwrt r46693 --hardware 'La Fonera 2.0N' --usecase 'Standard,kalua' # or get specific help for hardware: ../build.sh --openwrt r16539 --hardware # or get specific help for usecase: ../build.sh --openwrt r16539 --hardware 'TP-LINK TL-WDR4300' --usecase ``` how to tweak the build: ----------------------- ``` git clone https://github.com/bittorf/kalua.git # or # git clone git@github.com:bittorf/kalua.git cd kalua echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore echo "build-env" >> .gitignore mkdir build-env cd build-env mkdir openwrt_download ln -s -T ../openwrt-build/build.sh build.sh # symlink our build tool ./build.sh --openwrt trunk # fetch openwrt git repository # valid version names are: ## 'r12345' # 'stable' # 'beta' # 'testing' # 'trunk' # 'switch_to_master' # 'reset_autocommits' # Example output: # ~/tmp/kalua/build-env$ ./build.sh --openwrt trunk # <14>Jun 10 00:45:06 ed: ./build.sh: check_working_directory() first start - fetching OpenWrt: git clone 'git://git.openwrt.org/openwrt.git' # Cloning into 'openwrt'... # remote: Counting objects: 312210, done. # remote: Compressing objects: 100% (90882/90882), done. # remote: Total 312210 (delta 214136), reused 303717 (delta 207431) # Receiving objects: 100% (312210/312210), 110.89 MiB | 549.00 KiB/s, done. # Resolving deltas: 100% (214136/214136), done. # Checking connectivity... done. # Checking out files: 100% (6204/6204), done. # <14>Jun 10 00:49:00 ed: ./build.sh: check_working_directory() symlinking our central download pool # <14>Jun 10 00:49:00 ed: ./build.sh: check_working_directory() first start - fetching OpenWrt-packages: git clone 'git://nbd.name/packages.git' # Cloning into 'packages'... # remote: Counting objects: 75921, done. # remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28415/28415), done. # remote: Total 75921 (delta 41370), reused 75038 (delta 40635) # Receiving objects: 100% (75921/75921), 16.93 MiB | 405.00 KiB/s, done. # Resolving deltas: 100% (41370/41370), done. # Checking connectivity... done. # <14>Jun 10 00:49:36 ed: ./build.sh: check_working_directory() first start - fetching own-repo: git clone 'git://github.com/bittorf/kalua.git' # Cloning into 'kalua'... # remote: Counting objects: 51055, done. # remote: Compressing objects: 100% (175/175), done. # remote: Total 51055 (delta 99), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 50879 # Receiving objects: 100% (51055/51055), 14.71 MiB | 373.00 KiB/s, done. # Resolving deltas: 100% (30245/30245), done. # Checking connectivity... done. # <14>Jun 10 00:50:08 ed: ./build.sh: check_working_directory() [OK] after doing 'cd openwrt' you should do: # <14>Jun 10 00:50:08 ed: ./build.sh: check_working_directory() ../build.sh --help # so after chaning to to openwrt directery, we can call our favorite config cd openwrt ../build.sh --openwrt trunk --hardware 'TP-LINK TL-WDR3600' --usecase 'OpenWrt' # so know package feeds will be updated, and installed ``` how to get a release for a specific hardware -------------------------------------------- ``` # download and initial fetching of all sources # (start in an empty directory) git clone https://github.com/bittorf/kalua.git cd kalua echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore echo "build-env" >> .gitignore mkdir build-env cd build-env mkdir openwrt_download ../openwrt-build/build.sh --openwrt ../openwrt-build/build.sh --openwrt trunk cd openwrt # just build plain OpenWrt without any additions ../../openwrt-build/build.sh --openwrt trunk --hardware 'TP-LINK TL-WDR3600' --usecase 'OpenWrt' # full build for specific target with kalua build.sh --openwrt r45806 --hardware 'TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND' --usecase 'Standard,kalua' # get detailed help with build.sh --help ``` how to build this from scratch on a debian server ------------------------------------------------- ``` # work as root: apt-get update LIST="build-essential libncurses5-dev m4 flex git git-core zlib1g-dev unzip subversion gawk python libssl-dev quilt screen" for PACKAGE in $LIST; do apt-get -y install $PACKAGE; done # now login as non-root user git clone git://nbd.name/openwrt.git git clone git://nbd.name/packages.git cd openwrt git clone git://github.com/bittorf/kalua.git # for working with a specific openwrt-revision, do this: # REV=40860 # git checkout $(git log -1 --format=%h --grep=@$REV) make menuconfig # select your "Target System" / "Target Profile" and exit make package/symlinks # now configure your image and build: make menuconfig make # flash your image via TFTP FW="/path/to/your/baked/firmware_file" IP="your.own.router.ip" while :; do atftp --trace --option "timeout 1" --option "mode octet" --put --local-file $FW $IP && break; sleep 1; done # upload images to release-server: for CMD in applymystuff make "upload sysupgrade factory release remove"; do kalua/openwrt-build/mybuild.sh $CMD || break; done ``` manually configure the builtin-packages --------------------------------------- ``` make kernel_menuconfig # will safe in 'build_dir/linux-${platform}/linux-${kernelversion}/.config' General setup ---> [*] Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap) Device Drivers ---> Staging drivers ---> [*] Compressed RAM block device support make menuconfig # will safe in '.config' Global build settings ---> [*] Compile the kernel with symbol table information Base system ---> busybox ---> Linux System Utilities ---> [*] mkswap [*] swaponoff Base system ---> [ ] firewall Network ---> Firewall ---> [*] iptables ---> [*] iptables-mod-ipopt [*] iptables-mod-nat-extra Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] ip Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] olsrd ---> [*] olsrd-mod-arprefresh [*] olsrd-mod-jsoninfo [*] olsrd-mod-nameservice [*] olsrd-mod-txtinfo [*] olsrd-mod-watchdog Network ---> Web Servers/Proxies ---> [*] uhttpd [*] uhttpd-mod-tls [*] Build with debug messages Network ---> [*] ethtool # if needed, e.g. 'Dell Truemobile 2300' Network ---> [*] mii-tool # if needed, e.g. 'Ubiquiti Bullet M5' Network ---> [*] netperf Network ---> [*] ulogd ---> [*] ulogd-mod-extra # if data retention needed Utilities ---> [*] px5g [*] rbcfg # if needed, e.g. 'Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL' ``` how to development directly on a router --------------------------------------- ``` opkg update opkg install git echo >/tmp/gitssh.sh '#!/bin/sh' echo >>/tmp/gitssh.sh 'logger -s -- "$0: $*"' echo >>/tmp/gitssh.sh 'ssh -i /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key $*' chmod +x /tmp/gitssh.sh export GIT_SSH="/tmp/gitssh.sh" # dropbear needs this for public key authentication git config --global user.name >/dev/null || { git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname" git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com" git config --edit --global } mkdir -p /tmp/dev; cd /tmp/dev git clone kalua/openwrt-build/mybuild.sh build_kalua_update_tarball cd /; tar xvzf /tmp/tarball.tgz; rm /tmp/tarball.tgz cd /tmp/dev/kalua git add git commit -m "describe changes" git push ... ``` piggyback kalua on a new router model without building from scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` # for new devices, which are flashed with a plain openwrt # from http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ do this: # plugin ethernet on WAN, to get IP via DHCP, wait # some seconds, connect via LAN with 'telnet' and # look with which IP was given on WAN, then do: ip -family inet address show dev $(uci get network.wan.ifname) /etc/init.d/firewall stop /etc/init.d/firewall disable # get internet access using another AccessPoint or # plugin ethernet on WAN and connect to the router # via 'telnet ', then do: uci set wireless.default_radio0.mode=sta uci set wireless.default_radio0.ssid=weimar.freifunk.net uci set wireless.default_radio0.network=getip uci del wireless.radio0.disabled uci set network.getip=interface uci set network.getip.proto=dhcp wifi # install essential packages: opkg update opkg install ip bmon netperf iputils-arping opkg install olsrd olsrd-mod-arprefresh olsrd-mod-watchdog olsrd-mod-txtinfo olsrd-mod-nameservice opkg install uhttpd libuhttpd-mbedtls px5g opkg install kmod-ipt-compat-xtables iptables-mod-conntrack iptables-mod-conntrack-extra iptables-mod-extra opkg install iptables-mod-filter iptables-mod-ipp2p iptables-mod-ipopt iptables-mod-nat iptables-mod-nat-extra opkg install iptables-mod-ulog ulogd ulogd-mod-extra # build full kalua-tarball on server # export PRIV=/home/bastian/bittorf_wireless/programmierung/apply_profile.code.definitions ( cd .. && kalua/openwrt-build/mybuild.sh build_kalua_update_tarball full ) # copy from server to your router scp user@yourserver:/tmp/tarball.tgz /tmp/tarball.tgz # OR take this prebuilt one: wget -O /tmp/tarball.tgz # decompress: cd /; tar xvzf /tmp/tarball.tgz; rm /tmp/tarball.tgz # execute config-writer /etc/init.d/apply_profile.code /etc/init.d/apply_profile.code liszt28 hybrid 34 # or delete caller if already configured: rm /etc/init.d/apply_profile # avoid 1st autoupdate and keep serial console-login running: touch /www/serial_enabled touch /www/lazypmu ``` Cherry Picking Git commits from forked repositories --------------------------------------------------- ``` # git fetch # git cherry-pick -x # resolve conflicts, if any # git commit -ac # git push ``` Special UCI-variables --------------------- system.@weblogin[0].enabled - bool system.@weblogin[0].dhcpautologout - bool system.@weblogin[0].namespace - string system.@weblogin[0].logtraffic - bool system.@weblogin[0].defaultlang - ISO 639-1 system.@weblogin[0].default_speed_up - string: e.g. 16mbit system.@weblogin[0].default_speed_down - string: e.g. 384kbit system.@weblogin[0].mac_unshaped - string/list system.@weblogin[0].authserver - IP system.@weblogin[0].gateway_check - IP system.@weblogin[0].dynamic_portfw - pattern of macs system.@weblogin[0].auth_credentials - string system.@weblogin[0].auth_type - none, roomnumber, userpass system.@weblogin[0].blocked - bool system.@weblogin[0].hideandseek - bool system.@weblogin[0].freelan - bool system.@weblogin[0].respect_missing_db - bool system.@weblogin[0].allow_wan - bool system.@weblogin[0].ticketstock - integer system.@weblogin[0].db_cachesize - integer system.@weblogin[0].db_localcopy - bool system.@weblogin[0].db_forcefuzzy - bool system.@weblogin[0].force_lan_reachable - bool system.@weblogin[0].always_reachable - bool system.@weblogin[0].redirect_dns - bool system.@weblogin[0].allow_cgi_roles - bool system.@weblogin[0].fixed_password - string system.@weblogin[0].forget_clients - bool system.@weblogin[0].list_walledgarden - ip description system.@weblogin[0].pdf_labels_simple - bool system.@weblogin[0].pdf_allow_archiv - bool system.@monitoring[0].serverip - IP system.@monitoring[0].backping - nodenumber system.@monitoring[0].pingcheck - IP system.@monitoring[0].pingcheck_lazy - bool system.@monitoring[0].button_smstext - text system.@monitoring[0].button_phone - list phonenumbers system.@monitoring[0].url - url system.@monitoring[0].statusprecache - bool system.@monitoring[0].ignore_switch_error - bool system.@monitoring[0].report_switch_change - bool system.@monitoring[0].autoupload_config - bool system.@monitoring[0].ignore_wifi_framecounter - bool # true = never restart wifi, even if no incoming wififrames for a long time system.@monitoring[0].lazy_wifi_framecounter - bool # true = do not take missing incoming wififrames too serious (restart wifi after 10mins) system.@monitoring[0].ignore_lossyethernet - bool system.@monitoring[0].ignore_load - bool system.@monitoring[0].cdp_send - bool system.@monitoring[0].cisco_collect - bool system.@monitoring[0].maxcost - integer system.@monitoring[0].max_wificlients - bool system.@monitoring[0].speedcheck_wired - bool system.@monitoring[0].speedcheck_fakeip - IP system.@monitoring[0].roaming_debug - bool system.@monitoring[0].roaming_stats - bool system.@monitoring[0].roaming_kick_bad - bool system.@monitoring[0].roaming_no_nat - bool system.@monitoring[0].report_traffic_nightly - bool system.@monitoring[0].report_daily_stats - bool system.@monitoring[0].maintenance - string, e.g. 'reverse_sshtunnel' system.@monitoring[0].maintenance_force - bool system.@monitoring[0].maintenance_ports - list of ints system.@monitoring[0].wifi_netparam_name - string, e.g. 'wlanadhocRADIO1' system.@monitoring[0].nightly_longrange - bool system.@monitoring[0].send_mapapi - bool system.@monitoring[0].report_wantraffic - bool system.@monitoring[0].report_lan_dhcp - bool system.@monitoring[0].station_stats - bool system.@monitoring[0].no_wiphy_restart - bool system.@monitoring[0].ignore_phy_probs - bool system.@monitoring[0].toggle_wifi - bool system.@monitoring[0].toggle_wifi_off - clocktime system.@monitoring[0].toggle_wifi_on - clocktime system.@monitoring[0].txpower_keep - bool system.@monitoring[0].rrd - bool system.@monitoring[0].sensor_netrange - ip_netaddr/CIDR system.@monitoring[0].sensor_allow_inet - bool system.@admin[0].location - string system.@admin[0].latlon - string system.@admin[0].mail - string system.@admin[0].name - string system.@admin[0].phone - string system.@admin[0].neturl - string system.@vpn[0].hostname - hostname system.@vpn[0].ipaddr - IP system.@vpn[0].hideandseek_disabled - bool system.@vpn[0].force - bool system.@vpn[0].active - bool system.vpn.dnsname - string system.@system[0].noswinstall - bool system.@system[0].avoid_autoreboot - bool system.@system[0].db_backup_force - bool system.@system[0].restrict_local - bool (deny WANNET from MESH) system.@system[0].zram_size_mb - integer system.@system[0].zram_disabled - bool system.@system[0].leds_ignore - bool system.@system[0].wifi_no_predistortion - bool system.@system[0].disable_automount - bool system.@system[0].disable_qos - bool system.@profile[0].name - string system.@profile[0].nodenumber - integer system.@profile[0].ipsystem - string olsrd.@meta[0].no_watching - bool olsrd.@meta[0].watch_gateway - bool olsrd.@meta[0].hnaslave - bool olsrd.@meta[0].hnaslave_dirty - bool olsrd.@meta[0].hnaslave_condition - e.g. '2 ap' olsrd.@meta[0].ignored_interfaces - e.g. 'tap598 tap732' olsrd.@meta[0].ignore_restarts - bool olsrd.@meta[0].no_auto_hna4 - bool system.@fwupdate[0].url - url system.@fwupdate[0].mode - string: 0|stable|beta|testing system.@fwupdate[0].thrust_min - integer system.@fwupdate[0].allow_unchecked - bool system.@fwupdate[0].allow_inetoffer - bool system.@fwupdate[0].confirm_needed - bool system.@fwupdate[0].confirm_timeout - integer (days) system.@vds[0].server - scp-destination system.@vds[0].enabled - bool system.@community[0].splash - bool system.@httpsproxy[0].enabled - bool olsrd.@meta[0].fixedarp - bool olsrd.@meta[0].throttle_traffic - bool olsrd.@meta[0].nexthop_dns - bool olsrd.@meta[0].reboot_weak_ethernet - bool olsrd.@meta[0].watch_value - integer olsrd.@meta[0].watch_ip - ipaddr olsrd.@meta[0].allow_no_neigh - bool firewall.@adblock[0].enabled - bool firewall.@adblock[0].windowsupdate - bool firewall.@ignoreolsr[0].ip - IP mail.@pop3[0].username - string mail.@pop3[0].password - string mail.@pop3[0].server - hostname mail.@pop3[0].port - integer mail.@smtp[0].server - hostname mail.@smtp[0].port - integer mail.@smtp[0].name - string: e.g. realname mail.@smtp[0].mail - mailadresse mail.@smtp[0].auth - string: e.g. '-P 222 user@domain.tld:myfolder' sms.@sms[0].admin - string: phonenumber wireless.radio0.cronactive - string: '18:00 - 08:00' network.$INTERFACE.dyndns - url network.$INTERFACE.shaping - bool network.$INTERFACE.shaping_uplink - integer [kbit] network.$INTERFACE.shaping_downlink - integer [kbit] network.wan.public_ip - bool network.@switch[0].disable_autoneg - bool system.@webcam[0].storage_path - string: e.g. 'bastian@' system.@webcam[0].resolution - string: e.g. '800x448' system.@webcam[0].flip_x - bool system.@webcam[0].flip_y - bool system.@webcam[0].disabled - bool system.@webcam[0].dslr_upload - bool