资源说明:Sinatra app to manipulate images given by url via mini_magick and image_magick. completly evented
EventMachine-driven Sinatra app to manipulate images given by url via evented-magick (image-magick). # resize /magick?url=http://github.com/images/modules/header/logov3.png&size=200x100 # resize to 200 width / unlimited height /magick?url=http://github.com/images/modules/header/logov3.png&size=200x ### Startup sudo gem install bundler bundle install thin start curl localhost:3000/...see above... ### As Middleware TODO ### Security If the file `config/secret` (e.g. including 'my secret') exists, only requests with params hashed with this secret will be accepted. require 'digest/md5' def magick_query(params) hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest('my secret' + params.map(&:to_s).sort.to_s) params = params.merge(:hash => hash) params.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join('&') end `curl http://localhost/magick?#{magick_query(:url=>'xxx', :size=>'100x200')}` ### Performance Everything is evented, so its parallel and fast.
Add caching server infront of the app, e.g. Varnish or Rack::Cache to mak it production-ready. TODO ===== - add cropping Author ====== [Michael Grosser](http://pragmatig.wordpress.com) grosser.michael@gmail.com Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...