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Faxcelerate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public
License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Faxcelerate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Faxcelerate.  If not, see


Faxcelerate is a web interface for HylaFAX. It has been developed 
mostly as a tool for fax archival, searching and retrieval in a 
multi-user environment, but it also offers a quick interface for 
sending fax messages. 


Beside a working installation of Hylafax, you will need:

- Python 2.5 or later with virtualenv.
- The Git version control software
- a web server that supports WSGI (here Apache is shown as an example, 
but you can choose your favourite one).
- A database server, like PostgreSQL
- The Django web framework

In this case, on a Debian/Ubuntu system, you would run::

	apt-get install python-virtualenv git libapache2-mod-wsgi 
	postgresql libpq-dev libjpeg-dev python-dev gettext

Some knowledge of the Django web framework is very helpful. 

In this example we'll use the following paths:

- ``/var/spool/hylafax`` for the HylaFAX spool directory;
- ``/var/local/faxcelerate-env`` for Faxcelerate's virtual environment.

1.	Create the virtual environment by typing in a shell::

		virtualenv /var/local/faxcelerate-env
#.	Let the shell use the virtual environment::

		cd /var/local/faxcelerate-env
		. ./bin/activate

#.	Download and install the Faxcelerate source code::

		pip install -e git://github.com/puccia/faxcelerate#egg=faxcelerate
	Now the code will be in 
	``/var/spool/faxcelerate-env/src/faxcelerate;`` you will thus find:

	-	the Django project ``faxcelerate`` rooted at 

	-	the Django application ``fax`` rooted at 

#.	Create a database, if you are not using sqlite. For example, if you
	are using PostgreSQL::
		su postgres
		createuser -d -R -S -P faxcelerate
		echo "CREATE DATABASE \"faxcelerate\" OWNER faxcelerate ENCODING 'UTF-8'" \
		"LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8' LC_COLLATE='en_US.UTF-8' TEMPLATE template0" | \
		LANG=en_US.UTF-8 psql
	You may want to change ``en_US`` to your configured locale.

#.	Edit the ``local_settings.py`` file in the project directory to suit 
	your configuration.
	Be sure to:
	- change the database name to what you have set up in the previous step, and set ``DATABASE_PASS`` accordingly;
	- choose a path in ``FAX_CACHE_NAME_FORMAT`` that is suitable for your system.

#.  Remember to create the following directories:

    - ``senttiff`` inside your main HylaFAX spool directory (e.g. ``/var/spool/hylafax/senttiff``);
    - the thumbnail cache directory as configured in your ``local_settings.py`` file (e.g. ``/var/tmp/cache/thumbnails``).
    Both of these directories must be owned by your HylaFAX user (usually ``uucp`` on Debian systems).
#.	Now execute::

        cd /var/local/faxcelerate-env/src/faxcelerate/faxcelerate
		python manage.py syncdb
	to create and initialise the database. You will be asked for the 
	superuser's username and password.

#.	Execute::

		DBINIT=1 python manage.py migrate

#.	Compile the localized message files::

		cd fax
		python ../manage.py compilemessages

#.	Configure your web server to run the Django project. If you are 
	using Apache, you can use the supplied ``apache/faxcelerate.conf``
	file to configure a suitable virtual host, and the supplied 
	``apache/django.wsgi`` file to run the WSGI application. Please 
	note that the software runs with the same UID/GID as HylaFAX.
#.	Edit ``bin/faxrcvd`` and ``bin/notify`` in your HylaFAX directory.
	This is needed to automatically file and index every processed 
	incoming and outgoing fax message. In ``faxrcvd``, right after the 
	syntax check, you can add::
		/var/local/faxcelerate-env/bin/python /var/local/faxcelerate-env/src/faxcelerate/faxcelerate/bin/faxrcvd.py "$@"

	In ``notify`` you can add::
		/var/local/faxcelerate-env/bin/python /var/local/faxcelerate-env/src/faxcelerate/faxcelerate/bin/notify.py "$@"
