资源说明:[archlinux] Implementation of the AUR in python/pyjs
Welcome to AUR3. available (pre-alpha)... http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=38359 QUICKSTART 1) install # http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=38359 2) run # /usr/lib/aur-pyjs-git/aur serve -f 3) view # INTRODUCTION This is a reimplementation of the AUR using a widget toolkit known as Pyjamas (http://pyjs.org). Client-side code (to run in web browsers) is written and maintained in python; when deploying to production, the python sources are compiled/translated to 100% pure javascript. The resulting javascript code can be ran on any major browser. When deployed, this is a 100% pure javascript application... thus, javascript is required, else you will see only a blank page. WHY PYJS? 1) anyone that knows python can write clean, maintainable client-side code 2) eliminates the need to know the umpteen inconsistencies amongst browsers 3) via pyjamas-desktop, the app runs as 100% pure python, as a true desktop app, with no modifications 4) back-ends are JSON-RPC; allows back-ends to be written in any language, and enforces a clean separation PROJECT STATUS 1) FRAMEWORK [complete] basic URL dispatcher [complete] load new content pages with cache support [new] create generic URL-to-module dispatcher (like cherrypy/etc.) 2) SHELL [complete] pixel perfect to other sections of the site [complete] links/titles/copyright in place 3) BASIC SEARCH [complete] search front-end [incomplete] perform search front-end [incomplete] perform search back-end 4) ADVANCED SEARCH [complete] define toggles [incomplete] define filters [incomplete] define sorts [incomplete] enable/enforce limits [complete] search front-end [incomplete] perform search front-end [incomplete] perform search back-end 5) LANGUAGES [incomplete] Language.py module methods [incomplete] language JSON-RPC backend (preferred), or hardcode in Language.py [incomplete] replace hardcoded text with calls to Language module 6) HOME [complete] create page [incomplete] introduction/disclaimer [incomplete] recent updates front-end [incomplete] recent updates back-end [incomplete] statistics front-end [incomplete] statistics back-end 7) BROWSE/SEARCH/MY PACKAGES [complete] create page [incomplete] paginating results front-end [incomplete] paginating results back-end 8) VIEW PACKAGE [incomplete] create page [incomplete] package details front-end (name/link/desc/deps/files/etc.) [incomplete] package details back-end [incomplete] list comments front-end [incomplete] list comments back-end [incomplete] add comment front-end [incomplete] add comment back-end 9) ACCOUNTS [incomplete] create page [incomplete] create/edit account front-end [incomplete] create/edit account back-end 10) SUBMIT [incomplete] create page [incomplete] submit package front-end [incomplete] submit package back-end PYJAMAS-DESKTOP ONLY (as python) 1) INSTALL [incomplete] add 'install' links (view/browse/search pages) [incomplete] install status/details front-end (GUI) [incomplete] python module "back-end" to download packages + dependencies and install GET INVOLVED 1) set up a development environment + pyjs sandbox at ~/aur-pyjs... # /usr/lib/aur-pyjs-git/aur sync ~/aur-pyjs # cd ~/aur-pyjs 2) update pyjamas anytime by running... # ./aur sync 3) generate the AUR... # ./aur trans 4) view the AUR... # ./aur serve -f # 5) create a package based on remote git master... # ./aur pkg 6) create a package based on your local git master... # ./aur pkg -l 7) create a package based on your local git master AND install it... # ./aur pkg -li All of the commands support a 'help' and 'usage' parameter: ---------------------------------------- # ./aur help Usage: aur-pyjs COMMAND [help|OPTION]... Develop, translate, package, and serve AUR3 COMMANDs: pkg build package from local/remote master; opt. install; opt. upload sync bootstrap/update local/target devel environment trans translate python sources to javascript for deployment serve lastest local build at http://localhost:8000 # ./aur pkg help Usage: aur-pyjs pkg [-l] [-i] [-u] Package local/remote build and optionally install and/or upload to AUR legacy Options: -l favor local source over remote -i install package locally -u upload to AUR legacy after building ---------------------------------------- LAST WORDS yes. I hope this to become the official AUR, and/or some other directions [1] yes. running as a python desktop app, you will be able to install packages directly yes. project is active; tentative completion date, september 1st possibly. I'd like to make it capable of running independently, managing the local system no. project is not a revived incarnation of other attempts ) advanced search will be restricted ) SOMEONE CAN START BUILDING JSON-RPC BACKENDS NOW ) PHP and MySQL s_ck. If I do it, the back-ends will be python ( + git/sqlite/couchdb) ) feedback appreciated ) to contribute, fork on github and send me a request. C Anthony [1] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=90970 [license GPL2]