资源说明:An extension for Google Chrome that gets updated prices for stocks and indexes
# Stocks Display This extension allows you to get updated quotes for the stocks and indexes that you choose. Go check it on the [chrome gallery](https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hoidaconopihnbiobcfdlljlnemdpaka)! # Description The code uses [jQuery](http://jquery.com) and [jQueryUI](http://jqueryui.com) quite heavily. The information is extracted from [Yahoo Finance](http://finance.yahoo.com), thanks to their awesome API's. ## Auto-Complete Server There is a seemingly forgotten [url from Yahoo](http://d.yimg.com/autoc.finance.yahoo.com/autoc), which is used by this extension to enable auto completion of stock symbols in the options page. However, this API is only accessible through _jsonp_, and the new manifest rules for Chrome Extensions forbid this method for non https url's (see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contentSecurityPolicy.html#relaxing). To bypass this restriction, I set up a _Node.js_ server that reroutes the _jsonp_ requests as normal _JSON_ requests. The code for the server is in the _auto-complete-server_ folder. # License You can do pretty much what you want with the code, which is released under the MIT license.