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资源说明:Program Compiler for our own programming language: Fetoy. Project for Programming Language 2 and 3, in the Simon Bolívar University, in Caracas, Venezuela.
Fetoy Compiler

Fetoy it is a very basic language, with syntax similar to C. Its written by two students as a project for one of the hardest concentration(programming language) in the Simon Bolivar University in 2 trimesters. It was created by us so that we could learn the basic functions of a compiler. 

There is a project definition, I just need to find it jeje. 

In a brief summary, its an imperative language, that handles all the basic types, typedefs, arrays, hashs and structs. 
It handles the basic instructions such as multiple assignments, conditionals, iterations.
It handles functions, and you can pass variables by value and by reference.
It doesn't handled pointers or a heap, so there is no dynamic memory allocation. 

The development was performed at three(3) parts:

1. Lexicografic parsing.
2. Sintatic parsing and feeding on the Table of Symbols.
3. Construction on the abstract tree, parsing of context.
4. Generate code in SPIN programming language.
This is one of the courses I took as student in the Simon Bolivar University, in Caracas, Venezuela.

This project was created by the Simon Bolívar University(Computer and Information Tecnology department), specifically by professor Jesus Ravelo.
CI4721 / CI4722 – Programming Language II and III
January-July 2010
