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资源说明:1D hp-FEM code (frozen)
Welcome to Hermes1D!

Hermes1D is an experimental C++ library for the solution of ordinary 
differential equations (ODE) and one-dimensional partial differential 
equations (PDE) with higher-order finite element methods (hp-FEM). In 
contrast to traditional time-stepping ODE solvers, Hermes1D constructs 
the solution using a variational principle. It starts from a weak 
formulation of the ODE/PDE problem and allows the equations to be defined 
in a very general implicit (vector-valued) form F(y, y', t) = 0. The 
approximation is a continuous, piecewise-polynomial function defined 
in the entire interval (0, T). In contrast to time-stepping schemes, 
the finite element approach makes it possible to prescribe boundary 
conditions either at the beginning or at the end of the time interval 
(combinations are possible for systems). The hp-FEM discretization 
leads to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that is solved via 
the Newton's method or JFNK. Sphinx documentation  is still in progress. 
Hermes1D comes with a free interactive online lab powered by UNR HPC 

Hermes1D is distributed under the BSD license (it covers all files in the
Hermes1D repository unless stated otherwise.), see the LICENSE file for a
copyright/license information and the AUTHORS file for the list of authors.

Copyright (c) 2009 hp-FEM group at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).
Email:, home page:


Install the required libraries first. If you are using a Debian-based system,

$ apt-get install cmake g++

$ cmake .
$ make


$ cd examples/laplace
$ ./laplace
$ gnuplot
gnuplot> plot './' w l


Install the required libraries first, if you are using a Debian-based system,

$ apt-get install python-sphinx


$ cd doc
$ make html
$ firefox _build/html/index.html


python -c 'print "set(WITH_PYTHON yes)\n"' > CMake.vars
cmake .
cd examples/schroedinger
