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资源说明:Plugins for Emacs Vimpulse.
= vimpulse-plugin by tarao

Plugins for Vimpulse ( ).

== vimpulse-cjk.el

=== Usage

  (require 'vimpulse-cjk)

It provides the following CJK patch for Viper/Vimpulse.
- w/b acts properly on CJK texts
- iw/aw text-object acts properly on CJK texts

=== Remarks

This patch only affects on the implementation of Viper. So, it works fine if you are not using Vimpulse but Viper.

== vimpulse-operator-comment.el

=== Usage

  (require 'vimpulse-operator-comment)

It provides comment/uncomment operator. You can use it by typing C*, for example, CC for commenting out a line at the cursor, Ciw for commenting out a word at the cursor. The key can be changed by setting custom variable vimpulse-operator-comment-key.

=== Examples

| denotes the cursor position.

Ciw on
  (foo ba|r)
comments out 'bar', and Ci( comments out 'foo bar'.

=== Remarks

The idea is taken from, which is to add comment/uncomment operator to Vim.

== vimpulse-operator-moccur.el

=== Usage

  (require 'vimpulse-operator-moccur)

It provides an operator for moccur-grep-find command. You can use it by typing M*, for example, Miw for grepping a word under the cursor. The key can be changed by setting custom variable vimpulse-operator-moccur-grep-find-key. You will be asked in which directory files to be grepped are located. Setting custom variable vimpulse-operator-moccur-use-current-directory disables asking a directory and files in the current directory are grepped.

=== Dependencies

- color-moccur.el

== vimpulse-relative-linum.el

=== Usage

  (require 'vimpulse-relative-linum)

It provides relative line numbers shown up when you hit operator keys.

=== Dependencies

- linum.el (you don't need this if emacs-version >= 23)
- linum+.el

== vimpulse-textobj-between.el

=== Usage

  (require 'vimpulse-textoj-between)

It provides text object for selecting a range between a character. Default key bindings are ib and ab, which select a range between a character by which the command is followed. ib selects an inner range. These bindings can be changed by setting custom variable vimpulse-textobj-between-i-key and vimpulse-textobj-between-a-key.

=== Examples

| denotes the cursor position.

dib, on
  foo, b|ar, baz
deletes ' bar', and vib: on
  :foo :b|ar :baz
selects 'bar '.

=== Remarks

The idea is taken from, which is to define textobj-between for Vim.
