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资源说明:Script and code for running the older version of the ACL Anthology
This repository houses the software for running the ACL Anthology
maintenance scripts. - 
AnthoXML2AcmCSV.rb - To convert Anthology XML to ACM CSV for reporting to ACM
anthoXml2acm.rb - old script, deprecated
AnthoXML2DBLPvBib.rb - To convert Anthology XML to DBLP reporting format (for use with older files without ,  tags.  Tries to find pages in bib)
AnthoXML2DBLPvFL.rb - To convert Anthology XML to DBLP reporting format (for use with ,  tags; doesn't handle bib file for processing pages) - Create Anthology HTML from XML format - Converts HTML entities to XML for Anthology XML format
ProcessCL.rb - To capture metadata and PDFPlus files from the current issue page from the Computational Linguistics journal website.
README.txt - This file
SigYaml2Html.rb - To create Anthology pages for Special Interests Groups
(SIGs) from the YAML metadata.
anthoTitleAuthorsPairs2Bibs.rb - To create bib files from a text file of title and authors strings. See file for how-to use.
