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资源说明:Mingle Iteration Charting Plugin
Iteration Chart Mingle Plugin


This is a Mingle plugin for better drawing of charts based on iterations.
Requires the use of an Iteration card type in the project. All queries must
also return a Iteration card property as the first result.

Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Leishman 
Licensed under MIT license

Examples below:

h1. Total Scope Burnup

    iteration-card-type: 'Iteration'
    legend: 3
    - label: 'Total Scope'
      cumulative: true
      type: area
      - query: SELECT 'Added to Scope in Iteration',  SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Added to Scope in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
      - query: SELECT 'Dropped in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Dropped in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
        negate: true
    - label: 'Completed Scope'
      cumulative: true
      type: line,points
      data: SELECT 'Accepted in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Accepted in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
    - label: 'Removed Scope'
      type: bar
      data: SELECT 'Dropped in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Dropped in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
      negate: true
      offset: -0.5

h1. Scope Changes

    iteration-card-type: 'Iteration'
    legend: 2
    iterations-from: 0
    - label: 'Scope Added'
      type: bar
      data: SELECT 'Added to Scope in Iteration',  SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Added to Scope in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
      iterations-from: 1
    - label: 'Scope Removed'
      color: 2
      type: bar
      data: SELECT 'Dropped in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Dropped in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
      negate: true
      iterations-from: 1

h1. Velocity per Iteration

    iteration-card-type: 'Iteration'
    legend: false
    - label: 'Velocity'
      type: line
      data: SELECT 'Accepted in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Accepted in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'

h1. Finger Chart

    iteration-card-type: 'Iteration'
    transparent-fills: false
    - label: 'In Dev'
      type: area
      cumulative: true
      stack: true
      - query: SELECT 'Added to Dev Backlog in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Added to Dev Backlog in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
      - query: SELECT 'Added to QA Backlog in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Added to QA Backlog in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
        negate: true
    - label: 'In QA'
      type: area
      cumulative: true
      stack: true
      - query: SELECT 'Added to QA Backlog in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'Added to QA Backlog in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
      - query: SELECT 'QA Passed in Iteration', SUM('Estimate') WHERE 'QA Passed in Iteration' IS NOT NULL AND 'Type' = 'Story'
        negate: true
