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资源说明:Remote wrapper for WebMock
= RedRock


This was a bit of an experiment that I never really needed to use, so hasn't
been maintained.

You might find Moxy[] a bit more useful.

== What is this?

A wrapper for running WebMock[] remotely
(ie mocking requests made by an application that's not running in the same
process as your tests).

== When might I want to use it?

If you're testing an application that makes remote web requests, and for some
reason you can't run the application code directly inside your test framework.
This might be because you're running integration tests against a stack of
applications, you're using something like
Culerity[] or
Selenium[], or maybe the application doesn't use one
of the HTTP libraries that WebMock supports, or isn't even written in Ruby.

== Getting started

  gem install redrock

Somewhere in your tests:

  require "redrock"
  include RedRock

You can then make most of the same calls you would normally make to WebMock,
and they will be transparently handled by RedRock. For example:

  stub_request :any, "localhost:4242/chunky/bacon"
  RedRock.should have_requested :get, "http://localhost:4242/chunky/bacon"

The RedRock server starts automatically when required, but you can start it
manually if you want to run it on a different port:

  RedRock.start 1234

You can also stop it manually:


If you want to use a host other than localhost, you can map it in
/etc/hosts. If you can't override the port your application talks to,
you'll have to set up a reverse proxy as well.

== Compatibility

RedRock has been tested with the following versions of WebMock:

* 1.3.0
* 1.3.1
* 1.3.2
* 1.3.3
* 1.3.4
* 1.3.5

It probably works with later versions too, but I need to rework RedRock's tests
to be certain. Watch this space.

== How does it work?

RedRock fires up a thin[] server (by
default on port 4242), which attempts to proxy all incoming requests using
Net::HTTP, at which point they are intercepted by WebMock. You point your
application under test at this server, instead of the real service it's
supposed to interact with.

All calls to WebMock methods in your tests are proxied through to the RedRock
server, which means that stubs and expectations are effectively being applied
to the requests being made by the application under test.

=== Unsupported WebMock features

Allowing real requests doesn't really make any sense for RedRock, so if you
call allow_net_connect! or disable_net_connect! you'll get an

Raising exceptions or timing out won't work as expected, because the exceptions
will be handled in the RedRock server, not the application under test.

== Development

After cloning the project:

  gem install bundler # if not already installed
  rake gemspec # bootstrap gemspec for bundler
  bundle exec rake


* Better documentation!
* Refactor the server, which is currently a small ball of mud.
* Support latest version of WebMock

== Why "RedRock"?

I started with "Remote WebMock". "RWebMock" doesn't exactly trip off the
tongue, so I thought maybe "RebMock". That sounded like Scooby-Doo saying
"WebMock", although he'd probably say "RebRock". That sounded almost like
"RedRock", which is where I stopped.  I'm a bit surprised that there isn't
already a redrock gem, given that a ruby is basically a red rock, but hey,
you've had seven years or so.

== Other random stuff

Version 0.1.0 was released on Whyday, 19 August 2010.

RedRock is intended to replace FakeTTP[],
which no-one apart from me and a few colleagues ever used.
