资源说明:A wrapper class to the Authorize.net AIM API
Authorize.Net Abstraction Class ============= The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway can help you accept credit card and electronic check payments quickly and affordably. More than 305,000 merchants trust them for payment processing and online fraud prevention solutions. What can I do with it? ----------- This class is a wrapper written in PHP5 that can be used to submit credit card transactions to the Authorize.net payment gateway using the AIM Web services API. The class provides functions for setting the payment details like the customer name, address, phone number, shipping address, charge amount, credit card number and expiry date. How do I use it? ----------- First you'll need to have an account with Authorize.Net if you don't already have one. Clone this class and plugin in the information that you want to submit. An example is included and provided below. Example ----------- setEnvironment('test'); // 'test' (default) or 'live' $Auth->setTransactionType('AUTH_CAPTURE'); // AUTH_CAPTURE (default), AUTH_ONLY, CAPTURE_ONLY, CREDIT, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE, VOID $Auth->setPaymentMethod('CC'); // Payment Method - CC (default) or ECHECK $Auth->setAmount('160.25', TRUE); // Amount $Auth->setCCNumber('378282246310005'); // Credit card number $Auth->setCVV('4685'); // The three- or four-digit number on the back of a credit card $Auth->setExpiration('11/12'); // Expiration date - MMYY, MM/YY, MM-YY, MMYYYY, MM/YYYY, MM-YYYY $Auth->setPaymentDescription('New Sale on Product 232'); // Description of the Transaction. $Auth->setCustomerFirstName('Richard'); // Customer First Name $Auth->setCustomerLastName('Castera'); // Customer Last Name $Auth->setCustomerCompany('Nice Emails'); // Customer's Company Name $Auth->setCustomerAddress('589 8th Ave Suite 10'); // Customer's Billing Address $Auth->setCustomerCity('New York'); // Customer's Billing City $Auth->setCustomerState('NY'); // Customer's Billing State $Auth->setCustomerZip('10018'); // Customer's Billing Zip $Auth->setCustomerCountry('United States'); // Customer's Billing Country $Auth->setCustomerPhone('212-123-1234'); // Customer's Billing Phone Number $Auth->setCustomerFax('212-123-4567'); // Customer's Billing Fax Number $Auth->setCustomerEmail('email@gmail.com'); // Customer's Email Address $Auth->sendCustomerReceipt(FALSE); // Allow Authorize to send it's receipt to the Customer $Auth->setShippingFirstName('Richard'); // Shipping First Name $Auth->setShippingLastName('Castera'); // Shipping Last Name $Auth->setShippingCompany('NiceEmails'); // Shipping Company $Auth->setShippingAddress('589 8th Ave. Suite 10'); // Shipping Address $Auth->setShippingCity('New York'); // Shipping City $Auth->setShippingState('NY'); // Shipping State $Auth->setShippingZip('10018'); // Shipping Zip $Auth->setShippingCountry('United States'); // Shipping Country. if($Auth->processTransaction()): // Process the transaction by sending the values to Authorize. echo('Transaction Processed Successfully!'); else: echo('Transaction could not be processed at this time.'); endif; echo('Name Value Pair String:
'); echo(''); print_r($Auth->debugNVP('array')); // Output the Name Value Pairs that gets sent to Authorize. Valid values are 'array' or blank for nvp string. echo(''); echo('Response From Authorize:
'); echo(''); print_r($Auth->getResponse()); // Get the response. echo(''); unset($Auth); // Destroy the Object. ?> Contributing ------------ 1. Fork it. 2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b my_branch`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am "Added something"`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my_branch`) 5. Create an [Issue][1] with a link to your branch 6. Enjoy a refreshing Coke and wait