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资源说明:Linux kernel driver for Shuttle VFD
Linux kernel driver for Shuttle VFD

This (20x1 characters) LCD device is shipped with Shuttle models: SD365GM, SG33G5M.

This driver will add 4 sysfs entries (with 0666 rights).
Basepath: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/shuttle_vfd/5-2\:1.1/

* text : display up to 20 characters
* text_style : left, right, center
* mode : clock (built-in feature), text, cpu (1s refresh)
* icons : clock, radio, music, dvd, tele, camera, rewind, record, play, pause,
          stop, ff, reverse, repeat, mute, volXX (1..12).
	  Plus special names: = (set list, not or), all, none.

It was tested on 3.0.1 on Shuttle SG33G5M.

Quick start
Check if hardware is there:
# lsusb | grep VFD
Bus 005 Device 003: ID 051c:0005 Shuttle, Inc. VFD Module

# make
# insmod ./shuttle_vfd.ko

There should be a better way to do that:
# echo 'ACTION=="add" DEVPATH=="/module/shuttle_vfd", RUN+="/bin/ln -s /sys/bus/usb/devices/5-2:1.1/text /dev/lcd"' >/etc/udev/rules.d/95-shuttle_vfd.rules
# /etc/init.d/udev restart
Or without udev..
# ln -s /sys/bus/usb/devices/5-2\:1.1/icons /dev/icons

Optional: load at startup
# make cp
# depmod
# cat > /etc/modprobe.d/vfd.conf 
options shuttle_vfd initial_msg="Hello"

$ uname -a >/dev/lcd                 // text will be truncated to 20 characters

$ echo "all" >/dev/icons             // all icons are turned on
$ echo "play" >/dev/icons            // play icon with be turned off

$ echo "none" >/dev/icons            // all icons are turned off
$ echo "play" >/dev/icons            // play icon with be turned on
$ echo "record,repeat" >/dev/icons   // record and repeat leds are on
$ echo "repeat" >/dev/icons          // record led is off (record led is still on)

$ echo "=,ff" >/dev/icons            // all icons are turned off except ff
$ echo "play,=,stop" >/dev/icons     // '=' is special keyword meaning "set mask starting all led off"

$ echo "vol5" >/dev/icons            // volume is considered as one unique icon
$ echo "vol1" >/dev/icons            // volume min (1 "bar")
$ echo "vol12" >/dev/icons           // volume max (12 "bars")

There are short names of all icons (same order as above):
clk, rad, mus, cd, tv, cam, rew, rec, pl, pa, st, ff, rev, rep.
There are also some aliases:
"mute" is "vol0" ; "all" is "world" ; "clear" is "none".
