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资源说明:Linux kernel LEDs driver for Shuttle VFD (alternate version)
Linux kernel LEDs driver for Shuttle VFD

This (20x1 characters) LCD device is shipped with Shuttle models: SD365GM, SG33G5M.

This driver will register 16 leds and one sysfs entry (with 0666 rights).

It was tested on 3.0.1 on Shuttle SG33G5M. Your kernel needs "LED Class Support" (CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS).

This driver is a alternative version of shuttle_vfd.

Quick start
Check if hardware is there:
# lsusb | grep VFD
Bus 005 Device 003: ID 051c:0005 Shuttle, Inc. VFD Module

Compilation (dependency: led-class.ko):
# make
# insmod ./shuttle_leds.ko

$ echo "test 123" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/shuttle_leds/5-2\:1.1/text

$ ls /sys/class/leds/
camera	cd  clock  fastforward	music  mute  pause  play  radio  record  repeat  reverse  rewind  stop	tv  volume

All icons have max_brightness=1 except for volume icon which is 12.
