资源说明:Firefox add-on: Time tracker using the Paymo.biz API
# Paymo.biz Time Tracker [![Flattr](http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png)](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=avaly&url=https://github.com/avaly/paymott&title=Paymo+Time+Tracker&language=&tags=github&category=software) Paymo.biz Time Tracker is a Firefox add-on plugin that helps with tracking your time using the [paymo.biz](http://www.paymo.biz/) API. Before using this plugin, you'll need to set your API key, username and password in plugin's Options. This plugin adds a small statusbar icon. You can track your time using the popup menus you can access by left/right clicking on it. You can install the add-on from the Mozilla Add-ons: [Paymo Time Tracker](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/paymo-time-tracker/)