资源说明:Converts a numbers-document to Addressbook-VCards
# convert a Numbers-Document to Addressbook-VCards for import A little helper by Andreas AltendorferVersion 0, 2010-09-18 Use it for free without any warranty! This is a quick-n-dirty solution for a friend. It is not thought to be "a product"! But you may save a lot of time figuring out how the tables of an Number's document are being cascaded within the xml-file. Just take a look at app/controllers/n2v_controller.rb ## Extract the XML-File from your Numbers-Document 1. Open "Package" of your Numbers-Document and locate a file named "index.xml.gz" 2. Unzip this file to index.xml or any other name 3. cd to the app-directory 4. bundle install 5. rails server 6. open with your web-browser 7. Upload the index.html file 8. A file named addresses.vcf will be downloaded to your Download-folder - if enabled this file will be imported to Addressbook immediately ## Requirements for your Numbers-document - There should be one table only - The first row should be the header-row (Names of columns though names doesn't matter) - The columns should be arranged as explained below If you want to change the columns see app/views/n2v/create.vcard.erb where the VCard-records will be created. ### Columns **The original Numbers Document**: - 0 Titel vorangestellt (Kunde) - 1 Nachname (Kunde) - 2 Vorname (Kunde) - 3 GebDatum (Kunde) - 4 Straße (Kunde) - 5 PLZ (Kunde) - 6 Ort (Kunde) - 7 Festnetz privat (Kunde) - 8 Festnetz beruflich (Kunde) - 9 Tel. Mobil (Kunde) - 10 Tel. Sonstig (Kunde) - 11 Fax (Kunde) - 12 Mail (Kunde) - 13 Beruf **The building of the VCards**: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:<%=record[1] -%>;<%= record[2] %>;;<%= record[0] %>; FN:<%= [record[0],record[2],record[1]].reject{|r| r.blank? }.join(" ") %> ORG:<%= record[13].to_s.humanize %> TITLE:<%= record[0] %> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME;type=pref:<%= record[12] %> TEL;type=HOME:<%= record[7] %> TEL;type=WORK:<%= record[8] %> TEL;type=CELL;type=pref:<%= record[9] %> TEL;type=OTHER:<%= record[10] %> TEL;type=FAX:<%= record[11] %> item1.ADR;type=HOME:;;<%= record[4] -%>;<%= record[6] -%>;;<%= record[5] -%>;Austria item1.X-ABADR:at <% unless record[3].blank? -%>BDAY;value=date:<%= record[3] %><% end %> END:VCARD