资源说明:Pegasus Mail Address Book File Reader
This module provides the ability to read Pegasus Mail Addressbook (*.PMR) files. The PMR file format appears to be a simple dump of fixed width text fields padded and delimited by null (0x00) bytes. The fields widths are as follows: Header (128) -name 28 -pad 100 Entries (n*458) -pad 2 -name 40 -company 40 -key 12 -street 60 -post 60 -phone 24 -fax 24 -notes 80 -email 100 -pad 4 -image 9 -pad 3 This module has been tested with and requires at least Python 2.6. The module when invoked by itself will convert a PMR file to a CSV file suitable for importing into Google Contacts. Usage: c:\Python26\python.exe path\to\pmr.py path\to\addrbook.PMR > output.csv The core class of the module is PMRFile. PMRFile should be instantiated with the path to a PMR file or an open file object. When instantiated it reads the addressbook name from the header and populates the name property. PMRFile objects are iterables over the addressbook entries. Each entry is a namedtuple with one extra method, iteritems(), similar in use to like named method on Dictionary objects. Please see the pmr2google() method for an example of use.