资源说明:Make init script's LSB changes persistent across upgrades
LSB Scanner - Make LSB header changes persistent across init script updates. This has two modes of operation; Pre-Scan and Post-Write In Pre-Scan mode: - Read the LSB header of the named init script and records the chkconfig, Required-Start, Should-Start, Required-Stop, Should-Stop, Default-Start, Default-Stop and Default-Enabled. - These will be stored as "variable = value" pairs in the destination directory ('/etc/sysconfig by' default) under the name '.lsb.conf'. In Post-Write mode: - The ' .lsb.conf' file will be read into memory. - The named '/etc/init.d/ ' file will be read up to '### END INIT INFO'. - The read value will be compared against the stored value, if any. If there is a difference, the LSB line will be updated to match the stored value. - The modified init script will be re-written *only* if a value was changed. - If a change is made, the original copy of the init script will be backed up to '/etc/sysconfig/lsb-scanner. .init.backup. ' before the changed init script is written. Author: Madison Kelly (mkelly@alteeve.com) Date: Sep. 21, 2010 License: GPL v2+ History: The lsb-scanner was created as an answer to Red Hat bug #636066 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=636066