资源说明:Custom Eagle Libraries
Custom EAGLE library with misc parts. ## Installation 1. Git clone this project inside your `EAGLE/lbr/` folder. (Keeping it in a subfolder such as `EAGLE/lbr/johnboiles/` is fine) 2. Open EAGLE 3. Expand the 'Libraries' row in the EAGLE Control Panel 4. Right click `Johnboiles.lbr` and select 'Use' ## Parts * 2N3904 - NPN Transistor * 2N3904 - PNP Transistor * DIODE-ZENER - Zener Diode * GP1UX31QS - Holder-less Type IR Detecting Unit for Remote Control * HIDPROXPOINT - HID ProxPoint Plus RFID Reader * HRF3205 - MOSFET: N-Channel * ID-12 - 125KHz RFID Reader * IRF9Z30 - P-Channel 50V MOSFET * LM335A - Analog Temperature Sensor * MOC3010 - Optoisolator Triac Driver * SF800 - Swissflow SF800 Flow Meter