资源说明:Switch buffers using an incremental search
This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=685 Switch to a different buffer in the current window by incrementally typing the name. Usage: (1) Define a normal key mapping to :IncBufSwitch or leave the default of(2) In normal mode, start typing the name of the buffer you want to switch to. (3) Press if make an error (4) Press to find the next matching buffer (5) Press either or when you are done For example, if you have the following files in memory: foo.c, bar.c, baz.c, structs.h and you are currently editing foo.c. Example 1: You press and type s . You are now editing structs.h. Example 2: You press and type b. Buffer switches to bar.c. If you press baz.c enters the window. The project I work on has a LOT of files. It is not uncommon to have 20-30 files in memory at any given time. I find that this allows me to switch amongst them much faster. Let me know of any ideas or problems.