资源说明:Plugin for managing groups of files
This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1410 The workspace plugin allows you to easily access groups of frequently used files and run any command on a selected set of files from the workspace. You can create one or more groups in a workspace. Each group can contain additional sub-groups. The workspace and the groups can contain one or more filenames. The contents of a workspace are saved in a user specified file. This allows you to create multiple workspaces and to load the desired workspace when needed. You can run any Vim ex command or an external shell command on a selected group of files from the workspace. For more information about using this plugin, after installing the workspace plugin, use the ":help workspace" command. The workspace plugin manual is also available online at: http://www.geocities.com/yegappan/workspace/workspace.html