资源说明:V8 interface to Vim
This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2375 V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine. Requirements: linux or windows. Vim executable file with some exported symbol that if_v8 requires. On linux: Compile with gcc's -rdynamic option. On windows (msvc): Use vim_export.def and add linker flag "/DEF:vim_export.def". nmake -f Make_mvc.mak linkdebug=/DEF:vim_export.def Usage: :source /path/to/if_v8/init.vim :V8 print('hello, world') => hello, world :V8 3 + 4 => 7 :V8 vim.execute('version') => ... version message :V8 var tw = vim.eval('&tw') :V8 tw => 78 :V8 vim.let('&tw', '40') :echo &tw => 40 :V8 load('foo.js')