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资源说明:An example on how to put the Arduino to sleep in order to save power.
An example on how to put the Arduino to sleep for an arbitrary period
of time. To wake up after a preset time the Watchdog timer is used. 
The watchdog can be set to wake the system after a reset interval.
The intervals are preset (see the chart below or the Watchdog ATmega
technical specs) and depend on the voltage. To sleep for longer periods
of times than the longest preset period (2.2s at 3V) a number of sleep
cycles is calculated and the system is put to sleep immediately after
waking up until all the sleep cycles are completed.

This example uses code from

 * Watchdog Sleep Example 
 * Demonstrate the Watchdog and Sleep Functions
 * Photoresistor on analog0 Piezo Speaker on pin 10
 * KHM 2008 / Lab3/  Martin Nawrath
 * Kunsthochschule fuer Medien Koeln
 * Academy of Media Arts Cologne
