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资源说明:The beaufort wind scale plugin converts a HTML select drop down into a style slider with Beaufort wind scale infromation revealed on interaction.
Beaufort Wind Scale Plugin for [jQuery](http://jquery.com/)

What This Plugin Does
The beaufort wind scale plugin converts a HTML select drop down into a [jQuery UI](http://jqueryui.com/) style slider. As the user interacts with the slider (i.e. changes it) the value is show next to the slider and a popup overlayed showing the Beaufort wind value, description and image of the predicted sea state for that Beaufort wind force.

How To Use
Just create a HTML select box with a range of wind speeds.

Then include jQuery and `jquery.beaufortwind.js` plugin file (don't forget the css `jquery.beaufortwind.css`) and add the plugin.

	$(function() {
Where Did We Get The Information From?
All the information about the Beaufort scale was from [Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_scale)

Currentely only tested in Firefox 3.0+
