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资源说明:command-line tools for interacting with thimbl
Thimbl is a set of client-side tools for a distributed open source
microblogging platform. Thimbl-CLI is a set of command-line tools, and
is more modest in its ambitions than the whole of the Thimbl project.

The website should now be visible from
which is basically a copy of the website directory.

Thimbl-CLI requires Linux/cygwin. It also includes the simplest
possible finger daemon to serve your tweets.


Thimbl-CLI is pretty much ready to go out of the box client-side.

Set up your profile:
   thimbl setup "Just a guy" \
      "Mark Carter" "" "N/A" ""
Create a post:
   thimbl post "First post"
Follow someone: 
   thimbl follow "dk" ""
Fetch messages of people you are following:
   thimbl fetch
Print messages (including your own):
  thimbl print


Look in the doc folder for a more complete manual on Thimbl-CLI, which
contains the main documentation effort.
