资源说明:Fast batch processing of images and IPX videos
SPICE-WEASEL image enhancement ============================== Ben Dudson July 2006. Scriptable image processing, including of IPX format video files (used at CCFE/UKAEA for storing fast camera video) Released under MIT license, see COPYING for details Features -------- o Reads and writes image files in BMP, PNG and JPEG2000 format o Reads and writes IPX formatted video files o Can perform batch processing on images. Designed mainly for enhancing high speed video of plasmas. o Processing script format similar to Makefile o Can subtract background light from moving features in videos Known bugs / limitations ------------------------ o When using multiple threads (--enable-threads), can segfault. Error seems to be in libpng but not resolved o Limited to greyscale videos only Compiling / Installing ---------------------- To compile, spiceweasel needs 1. PNG library, such as the libpng12-dev Debian package 2. libopenjpeg2, such as the libopenjpeg-dev Debian package After that, the standard GNU install process ./configure make make install # optional To set the install path, use the usual ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/ A manual page will also be installed which contains basic usage instructions Running ------- FORMAT: spiceweasel[options] OPTIONS: -i Set input file. Can be either a set of bitmaps, png files or an IPX video -s Input a photron IPX video for a shot -o