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资源说明:This is a server side module for Wowza Media Server 2.1.0+ Wowza IP Control Access List allowing you to configure two ip's list white and black with support a ip range
= Wowza IP Control Access List (blacklist and whitelist)
This is a server side module for Wowza Media Server 2.1.0+
allowing you to configure two ip's list white and black separate with commas
If the client ip are blacklisted it will reject connection or if the client ip are whitelisted it will accept connection

= Support a IP Range 100.200.300.0:100.200.300.255 or 100.200.300.0 100.200.300.255 or host name. ex.( or
This module can be integrated with wowza plugin-geoip for by pass geoip block

= Configure Environment Development
It is recommended that you use and compile this plugin in eclipse
But this is not a impediment, you can build with other editors or the command line
In the {project}/conf directory, there is an example of configuration and installation of the plugin

= Run, Tests, Compile and Distribute JAR
This project contains all external jars necessary for compile wowza-ip-acl.jar
Use ant target release-distribute for compile distribute version. 
The ant target create a directory dist and copy the jar for that place

  The ant targets list: 
    init                  => Create dir's build|dist|junit
    clean,                => Remove dir's build|dist|junit
    compile,              => Compile classes in the package src and src-test
    runTests,             => Run all unit tests
    junitreport,          => Generate JUnit Reports from tests
    buildClientJar,       => Copy to wowza library dir path, run all tests and generate junit report
    release-distribute    => Generate compile final version of project
= Usage/Installation in WMS (Snippet for Application.xml) 

				Ip Access Control List
