文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Multi-User Dungeon command line game in Java
To run the Waste Land MUD:

In the file MudServer.java which is in the server package, take note of the
LISTENER_PORT.  This will be the port number that the server is waiting for
connections on.

In the MUDFrame class in the view package, on the first line of the init()
method, change the value in the quotes to the IP address of the machine that 
the you have the server running.  If you are running both programs on the 
same machine, put localhost in the quotes.

The number after the quotes should be the same port number that was in the
MudServer.java file.

javac all java files in all packages.
Run MudServer class.
Run MUDFrame class.
