资源说明:General command line framework including modules such as a scraper for Xbox Live, Twitter client, and so forth
Patrick's Awesome Toolset ================ Version 2.0 by [Patrick McKinley] [homepage] [http://www.patrick-mckinley.com/] [homepage] Installation ----- * Put code on PHP5.2 enabled server with Mcrypt * Open bootstrap.php in a text editor * Put database details into the DB::configure() function * Add a random encryption key to the Mcrypt declaration Twitter Module Usage ----- * Install the twitter module ./cafe Twitter install * Add twitter account ./cafe Twitter add * Post a tweet - the account needs to be added with the above command ./cafe Twitter tweet* eg: ./cafe Twitter tweet lilmuckers "Posting a tweet" Xbox Live Module Usage ----- * Install the XboxLive module ./cafe XboxLive install * Add User ./cafe XboxLive add * eg: ./cafe XboxLive add Lilmuckers username@live.com password * This also supports interactive input by just calling it in the format ./cafe XboxLive add * Change User Account ./cafe XboxLive edit * eg: ./cafe XboxLive edit Lilmuckers username@live.co.uk password1 * This also supports interactive input by just calling it in the format ./cafe XboxLive edit * Update all accounts score data ./cafe XboxLive update * Update score data for a specific account ./cafe XboxLive update * eg: ./cafe XboxLive update Lilmuckers * Check consistency of user data ./cafe XboxLive check * eg: ./cafe XboxLive check Lilmuckers * Force update of all information on user ./cafe XboxLive force * eg: ./cafe XboxLive force Lilmuckers * Delete a given gamertag from the DB with all data ./cafe XboxLive delete * eg: ./cafe XboxLive delete Lilmuckers * Add a notification hook ./cafe XboxLive addlocation * gamertag - The gamertag to add this to * type - There is, at the moment, only one valid notification hook * twitter * identifier - Unique identifier for a registered account in the notification system. For twitter this would be the twitter username. * Suffixes and Prefixes are put on the beginning and end of the updates, to include custom hashtags for the twitter calls, for example. * eg: ./cafe XboxLive addlocation Lilmuckers twitter lilmuckers "#xbox" "See the full list on http://bit.ly/myxbox" * This will make Lilmuckers account tweet to the lilmuckers twitter feed, prefixing and suffixing the tweet accordingly. * Fire off the notification hooks ./cafe XboxLive notify * gamertag - optional - if unspecified all registered gamertags will be used. * timestamp - optional - format recognised by the [PHP strtotime function] [strtotime] - if unspecified defaults to the last hour ("-1 hour") * Load achievements for a game from downloaded HTML file ./cafe XboxLive file * This is very basic - and won't work on multi-gamertag environments. * Built for my own reasons - since MicroSoft made it practically impossible to scrape XboxLive. [strtotime]: http://php.net/strtotime/ "PHP strtotime" [homepage]: http://www.patrick-mckinley.com/ "Patrick McKinley - Magento PHP Developer"