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=== Website In A Weekend Smooth Slider ===
Contributors: internet techies
Tags: slideshow,featured,posts,jquery,slider,content,widget,shortcode,carousel,css,simple,thumbnail,image,post,sidebar,plugin,page,category,wpmu,site,blogs,style,home,categories,picture,flash,gallery
Donate link: http://www.clickonf5.org/go/smooth-slider/ 
Requires at least: 2.9
Tested up to: 3.0.1
Stable tag: 2.3.2

== Description ==

Smooth Slider is a Wordpress and Wordpress MU Plugin for creating a dynamic slideshow/s for featured posts on a blog. The slideshow created by Smooth Slider are JavaScript and Text based, that is why bloggers will get full benefit of Search Engine Optimization as the texts are readable by Search Engines. You can choose some of your posts as featured posts and show them into a slideshow on your blog home page (i.e. Index) as well as in Sidebar.


Highlighted Feature (from version 2.3) : Smooth Slider Widget and Smooth Slider Shortcode

Highlighted Feature (from version 2.2) : Ability to create 'Multiple' sliders and an option to decide which post/page should show which slider

Along with posts, pages and media images, Smooth Slider now supports Custom Post Types

1. Search Engine Optimized Slideshow
2. Fully Customizable CSS
3. Choose Posts, Pages and now images from Media Library (from ver 2.3) as Featured Posts/Pages/Media on Single Click
4. Simple but Decent Slideshow
5. Customized Slideshow as per your Wordpress Theme
6. No Need Of Knowledge of PHP, HTML or CSS. But for those having knowledge of CSS, can have multiple settings for the slider on different pages of the same WP site.
7. Easy To Install Plugin
8. Full Support Available
9. Readable by search engine as you can see the screenshot on Lynx browser available on our blog
10. Option for transparent background, so that rounded corners can be supported
11. Slider Preview in admin panel
12. Can be converted to pure image Slider
13. Facility to put Custom Images in place of navigation numbers
14. WordPress Internal Image cropping feature used, so no need of any external PHP script to crop the images. You just need to select the width of the thumbnail image. 
15. Pick image from custom field, from "Featured Post" (Post Thumbnail feature), from post/page attachment, or from content. As well you can set priority in which you wish to search the image for the content.
16. The posts/pages/media library images added to the slider can be re-ordered
17. You can explicitly specify the link to which any particular slide should be redirected to once clicked. As well, you can specify if you do not want any particular slide to be linked to any webpage.
18. A template tag to display Category specific posts on Smooth Slider
19. A template tag for WPMU, to get slider posts from all over the WPMU site
20. Option to change Read More text and also put it in your language
21. Permission setting option to restrict the users from adding posts to Smooth Slider
22. Remove posts and pages from Smooth Slider selectively or remove all the posts from the slider at one go from the settings page itself
23. Option to retain specific html tags in the slider posts
24. Option to specify custom text or html in place of navigation numbers or buttons
25. Smooth Slider complete uninstall on plugin Delete

[Demo](http://www.clickonf5.org/) |
[Plugin Information](http://www.clickonf5.org/smooth-slider) | 
[Release 2.3](http://www.clickonf5.org/wordpress/release-note-smooth-slider-2-3/9353) | 

== Installation ==

This plugin is easy to install like other plug-ins of Wordpress as you need to just follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Copy Folder Smooth Slider from the downloaded and extracted file.

2. Paste it in wp-Content/plugins folder on your Wordpress Installation 

3. Activate the plugin from Dashboard / Plugins window.

4. Now Plugin is Activated, Go to the Usage section to see how to use Smooth Slider.

== Usage ==

1. If you want the slideshow with all the added featured posts on your home page, then open Index.php file from Dashboard by clicking on Tab Appearance / Editor and paste the following piece of code at the suitable place. 

if ( function_exists( 'get_smooth_slider' ) ) {
     get_smooth_slider(); }If you want to put the slider before the list of articles on your Wordpress blog homepage, put the above piece of code before the Wordpress Loop (the code is a php code, so ensure that it is enclosed within the php tags). Wordpress loop code is shown below:

if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post();

2. There is ready to use widget named 'Smooth Slider Widget - Simple', that you can directly use in your widgetized area of the theme. In case you use multiple sliders  feature you can as well select the slider name from the dropdown on the widget.

3. You can use the Smooth Slider shortcode [smoothslider] or [smoothslider id='1'] on your edit post/page panel to insert the slider anywhere on the post or page. In case you use multiple sliders feature, just replace the 'id' with your required slider's 'ID' that you would find on Sliders admin panel(settings).

4. You can use the get_smooth_slider_cat('category-name or category slug')or get_smooth_slider_cat()to get the posts from specific category on the slider. Please read the intructions on plugin page to know the details which tag to use in which case.

5. Use the template tag get_smooth_slider_wpmu_all to get the site wide posts on your WPMU installation.

6. The content in the slider can be picked up from either the post content or the post excerpt or a new custom field slider_content. You can add the custom field on the Edit Post panel for each of the posts. 

7. It is very easy to select which image you want as the thumbnail for the slides. You can choose to get the image from custom field, or 'Post thumbnail' or from the post content. 

8. Almost all the fields that appear in the Smooth Slider are customizable, you can change the looks of your Slider and make it suitable for your theme. The defaults set are according to the Default Wordpress theme. Also, you can change the number of posts appearing in the slider and the pause or interval between the two consecutive posts on the slider. For making these changes, there would be  a settings page for Smooth Slider in the wp-admin screen of your blog, once you enable the plugin.

Go to the plugin page to see more details on how to use the 'Multiple Slider' feature(http://www.clickonf5.org/smooth-slider)
There are lot many features added from Release version 2.0 and above. To see the upgrade details and usage visit http://www.clickonf5.org/wordpress/smooth-slider-upgrade-2-0-released/5151

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Check the FAQs on Smooth Slider page of Internet Techies. 
FAQ section on: http://www.clickonf5.org/smooth-slider

== Screenshots ==
1. Demo of this plugin is available on Internet Techies home page
2. Add post/Page to Smooth slider along with other edit panel options

Visit the plugin page (http://www.clickonf5.org/smooth-slider) to see more screenshots.

== Changelog ==

Version 2.3.2 (10/13/2010)

Minor fix to release of version 2.3
1. Fix: Pages added to Smooth Slider were not displayed. Smooth Slider was turning empty. Fixed this issue
2. Along with posts, pages and media images, Smooth Slider now supports Custom Post Types

Version 2.3.1 (10/13/2010) 

Minor upgrade to fix small issues with 2.3

1. Plugin compltibility will be now from WordPress 2.9 i.e. you should upgrade to Version 2.3 only if you hav WordPress 2.9 and above.
2. Fixed: For those using Smooth Slider previous versions, some were facing issue with the loading of stylesheets and script specific to slider. Fixed it.
3. Fixed: For some servers content was not pulled from the posts. 

Version 2.3 (10/12/2010)

1. New - Smooth Slider Widget 
2. New - Smooth Slider Shortcode 
3. New - Slides can now be re-ordered thru the 'Slider Admin Panel'
4. New - Images existing and new images added to WordPress Media Gallery can be added to Smooth Slider along with posts and pages.
5. New - Now images in the slider can be extracted in very intelligent manner. Added support for 'Post Thumbnails (WP 2.9+)'.
6. New - Videos can be embedded in the slider. Ad can be added to the slider.
7. New - Some slides can be linked to a webpage and others can be without a link as well. 
8. New - Multiple settings to the sliders on different pages thru CSS files.
9. Fixed - Scheduled Posts issue
10. Fixed - Image Caption Issue
11. Fixed - Retain HTML tags issue
12. Fixed - Permissions issue (Who can add post/page and slides to the slider and who cannot)

Version 2.2 (12/24/2009)

1. New - Multiple Sliders can now be created from the settings page. Post/Pages can be selectively put in the slider of your choice. Also, you could decide  which post/page should display which slider (from the Edit Post/Page), though the page/single post template file contains regular Smooth Slider tag only.
2. New - Added an option to limit the content on the slider by 'words'. Previously it was only with number of characters due to which sometimes for some posts the last word on the slider was shown broken. Now you can use any of the two, either limit content by number of characters or number of words
3. Fix - Fixed the issue with get_smooth_slider_cat tag. There was a bug when this tag ws used for home page. Now it is working as per the specifications.
4. Fix - For using the custom images for navigation, there was an issue with 'getimagesize' php function for some servers. Removed this fuction and directly put options to specify the custom images height and width.
5. Fix - When the navigation numbers are used, there was some clicking issue, like the numbers needed to be douoble clicked in order to go to that slide number. This issue was observed with some installations of Smooth Slider (like on demo page). Hopefully this would get fixed with this release.
6. Fix - Changed the name of the database table from slider to smooth_slider to avoid any database conflicts and be more specific

Version 2.1.2 (11/26/2009)

1. New - Added an option to change the transition speed between two slides. Now you can control the speed with which one slide slides off and another slides in.
2. New - Added an option to enable the autostepping or autosliding or disable it.
3. Fixed - A blank slide appeared on the slider if the post which is in slider is deleted from wp-admin. Fixed the issue, now if the post which is also in slider is deleted, then it will also be removed from the slider, fixing the blank slide issue
4. Fixed - The scheduled or draft post placed into the slider will not appear on the actual slider. It will appear only in case when the post is published.
5. Fixed - WPMU issue with get_smooth_slider_wpmu_all that the post permalinks direct to a wrong url, that represents the current blog only, though the posts are pulled from other blogs. This issue is fixed in this version of Smooth Slider.

Version 2.1.1 (11/19/2009)

1. New - Added an option whether to crop images or not. This was essential after version 2.1 because, some of us use the images from other location than the wordpress installation. In that case timthumb does not operate

Version 2.1 (11/18/2009)

1. New - Now the images will not be sqashed to fit the size, rather they would be cropped properly. Used timthumb.Caution: Please use the images stored on the same domain on the slider.
2. New - A new custom field slide_redirect_url can now be specified to redirect the slide to anothr URL than the permalink
3. Fixed - Admin menu dropdown were getting stuck only on Smooth Slider settings page, fixed that issue

Version 2.0 (10/08/2009)

1. New - Now you can add pages to Smooth Slider along with posts
2. New - Images Original Size Option
3. New - Pick image from content or the custom field
4. New - New custom field implementation, to allow not to display images on selective posts
5. New - A new template tag to display Category specific posts on Smooth Slider
6. New - A new template tag for WPMU, to get slider posts from all over the WPMU site
7. New - Option to change �Read More� text and also put it in your language
8. New - Permission setting option to restrict the users from adding posts to Smooth Slider
9. New - Remove posts and pages from Smooth Slider selectively from the settings page itself
10. New - Option to retain specific html tags in the slider posts
11. New - Option to specify custom text or html in place of navigation numbers or buttons
12. Fix - Fixed issue of Smooth Slider settings page with Internet Explorer
13. New - Optimized Smooth Slider code internally
14. New - Smooth Slider complete uninstall on plugin Delete

Version 1.2 (09/22/2009)

1. New - Slider Preview in Smooth Slider setting page
2. New - Facility to set transparent background to the slider
3. New - Facility to Convert it to pure Image Slider 
4. New - Remove all the posts from Smooth Slider in one click
5. New - Custom Images in place of navigation numbers
6. Fixed - CSS id names and class name fixed, to avoid probable conflicts with theme styles and other plugin styles

Version 1.1 (09/14/2009)

1. New - Active Slide in the slideshow will now be highlighted with bolder and bigger navigation number
2. Fixed - Added No Script tag brosers not supporting JavaScript for showing the slideshow
3. Fixed - Issues with WordPress MU Smooth Slider Options update from setting page

Visit the plugin page (http://www.clickonf5.org/smooth-slider) to see the changelog and release notes.
