资源说明:Ruby wrapper for reg.ru API
RegRu ===== Ruby wrapper for [reg.ru API](http://www.reg.ru/reseller/API2-tech "reg.ru API"). Usage ======= Specify your login and password: `@api = RegRu::Api.new('login', 'password')` or RegRu::Api.login = 'login' RegRu::Api.password = 'password' @api = RegRu::Api.new Optionally provide custom ca_cert for Net::HTTP: RegRu::Api.ca_cert_path = '/path/to/cacert.pem' To register a domain, pass contacts info and other required data: @api.domain_create( 'period' => 1, 'domain_name' => 'domain.ru', 'point_of_sale' => 'insales.ru', 'enduser_ip' => '', 'ns0' => 'ns1.reg.ru', 'ns1' => 'ns2.reg.ru', 'private_person_flag' => 1, 'person' => 'Vassily N Pupkin', 'person_r' => 'Пупкин Василий Николаевич', 'passport' => '4 02 651241 выдан 48 о/м г.Москвы 26.12.1990', 'birth_date' => '07.11.1917', 'country' => 'RU', 'p_addr' => '101000, Москва, ул.Воробьянинова, 15,\\n кв.22, В. Лоханкину.', 'phone' => '+7 495 8102233', 'fax' => '+7 3432 811221\\n+7 495 8102233', 'e_mail' => 'ncc@test.ru', 'code' => '789012345678' # ИНН ) To renew a domain, specify period and service_id (you received service_id after domain registration): @api.domain_renew( 'period' => 1, 'service_id' => 123456 ) Authors ======= * [Vladimir Bedarev](mailto:bedarev.vladimir@gmail.com "Vladimir Bedarev") * [Dmitry Novotochinov](http://github.com/trybeee "Dmitry Novotochinov") --- 2010 InSales LLC, released under the MIT license