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资源说明:A simple 'Pong' game using hand tracking with OpenCV and the Xbox Kinect
KinectPongDemo is a simple 'Pong' game using the Xbox Kinect as the controller.
It is written in C++ with OpenFrameworks and requires OpenCV, Box2D, and ofxKinect/libfreenect addons.

To build, first download and install openFrameworks. Then place the files in a directory within the 'examples' directory, say 'KinectPong'.
Ensure that ofxBox2d, ofxOpenCV, and ofxVectorMath addons are present in the openFrameworks addons directory.

Thanks to the amazing work of the ofxKinect project for building a great wrapper for rapid creative coding in OF using the Kinect to make things like this possible with a minimum of ceremony.
