文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Spams messages on Xbox Live (and more?!)

To use this program, you must supply a username and password for the site you
are trying to POST to.  Enter the URL you are trying to POST to, e.g. the
default parameter is for
POST'ing messages to the Xbox Live messaging system.  If you leave URL blank,
this is the site you will POST to.

Parameters can be specified in any .txt file that you choose, in the format of

For example, the message box on the Xbox Live messaging system is named
"reply0."  To POST a message of "Hello, World" to the message box, the parameter
I would put in my file would be:

reply0:Hello, World

Parameters are separated by a newline character.

