资源说明:leveltens fusion theme
Levelten Fusion fusion_core needs to be in sites/all/themes/ or sites/all/themes/contrib folder levelten_starter needs to be in sites/all/themes or sites/all/themes/custom folder starter theme .info file Change name of levelten_starter to name of theme In the .info file of levelten_starter, change css/levelten-starter-style.css to css/themename-style.css This file includes classnames and ID's of all elements in the page.tpl.php file. Use this to add styles to main structure, background images and colors, sidebar changes to default headings and font, etceteras Change the name of local-sample.css to local.css . This file is used to override styles declared within fusion_core, system core or contrib modules. Copy the selector into this file exactly as it was originally defined and override whatever properties are needed. DO NOT add this file to the css list within the .info file. Doing this will force it to load with your other stylesheets and can potentially be overriden by default styles. By not adding the name to .info it will load after all of the other stylesheets. There are six additional stylesheets in the .info file, they are blocks.css used for styling blocks that are not part of a view, selectors must reference blocks views.css used for styling views, must reference a views classname or a custom views classname panels.css used to override default panel styles, must reference panel or pane in selector content.css used to style node content, try to reference node in selector theme-skins.css custom skinr styles that only apply to current theme default-skins.css reusable skins, do not add anything to this file without adding it to the default levelten_starter theme CSS coding standards Levelten follows the CSS conventions set by Drupal. http://drupal.org/node/302199 which includes � Comments should use doxygen format to separate blocks of code related to sections of site. One line comments can be used to highlight a special case. Selectors should be on a single line with a space before the opening curly bracket Tabs should be expanded and set to 2 spaces Properties should be on a single line and listed alphabetically. When properties need to be created for specific browsers, ignore the extension when alphabetizing. ex. background: #FFF; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; color: #000; Place properties with extensions before standards properties so they aren't overriden by browser extension.