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资源说明:Virtual keyboard optimized for two-finger or thumbs input
Thumboard v0.2.3

This change mostly to move project to new hardware and change utility functions.

Thumboard is a virtual keyboard intended for use on devices without
physical keyboards and optimized for two-finger (or thumb) input. This
version provides limited functionality and is intended to help work
out the concept of a thumboard.

To invoke the thumboard, execute the init function passing in the id
of the div where the keyboard should be placed:

The init function will look for input elements of type='text' and it
will monitor those elements for gotFocus events. When one of the inputs
gets focus, the thumboard will be displayed. A click of a thumboard
key will cause the indicated change to the active input element. The
thumboard will then be reconfigured to show the most likely letters
or words to be entered next. If a word is clicked, the 'seed' portion
of that word in the input field will be replaced by the entire word.

The 'likely' next letters / words are based upon the 1000 most used
words, according to:

This version has been tested with Chrome and Firefox. Additional
work is required to support IE (this version uses el.selectionStart
and el.selectionEnd).

- js/thumboard.js
- js/helper_functions.js
- css/thumboard.css
- json/top1000.json - top 1000 words by usage
- index.html
- qunit/test1.js
- qunit/test1.html
