资源说明:OpenCV Objects
# Ocvo - OpenCV Objects # [OpenCV](http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/) is a great library for Computer Vision, but the Python bindings are just 1300+ functions, constants, and structs thrown together. This package tries to wrap the library in a more structured way. ## Installation ## run `python setup.py install` and enjoy the pre-alpha not-even-a-real-release-yet. ## Use ## `import ocvo.{submodule}` The current submodules are: * `objects` is the base. For now, it provides object wrappers for Images and Captures. * `shapes` gives you objects/shapes that can be drawn on images. * `labeled` will have similar objects, but will include ports for text input. ## Known Issues ## * No documentation * Few features ## Copyright ## (c) Aaron Karper 2010