资源说明:All software development related to the 6WD Robot project: http://darknrgy.typepad.com/darknrgys-blog/6wd-robot/
darknrgy's 6WD Robot Project This is a six wheel drive robot project. The robot is intended to be controlled over the internet viewed through a webcam. There are three main components to the source code: - Robot: Microcontroller code, written in AVR-GCC for the ATMega family of Atmel microcontrollers. Projects are developed through AVR Studio for Windows. - Robot Server: A python application that runs on the robot's main computer, a Fit-PC2. This application serves as a proxy for all internet communication as well as some robot babysitting. - Client: A wxPython application which provides the robot operator with an interface for interacting with the robot. ** BLOG ** http://darknrgy.typepad.com/darknrgys-blog/6wd-robot/ ** AVR PIN MAPPING DIAGRAM ** https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Au1u0-7dgdmjdHpPVTUxZkNtekFmOFg5SFk3ZWNVR1E&hl=en&authkey=CMXCifAI ** Additional Links and Resources related to the project ** https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Au1u0-7dgdmjdGNRcmNrcERTck11NTJjd3R0eEsxZHc&hl=en&authkey=CPCMmoAO