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资源说明:A simple tool that will open required desired set of gnome-terminal windows with programs in it.
h1. term-workspace

This app is designed to simplify your life.

It's common, that a user starts an fixed set of apps in fixed set of terminal windows. 

For example, when I work with rails app I open two windows. First, the large one I use for
editors, command line and rails console. The second one I use to start local server and
some tasks, such as autotest. So I when got tied to open the same windows each time, 
I've created this app.

It's a command line tool. After you install it you can run it with keys:

h2. Installing

  git clone git://github.com/shaggyone/term-workspace.git
  cd term-workspace
  rake install
h2. Command line syntax
  Usage: lw command [options]
      -l, --list                       List available workspaces
      -e, --edit [profile_name]        Edit the desired workspace. Workspace will be created, if not exists.
      -r, --run [profile_name]         Open the desired workspace
      -h, --help                       Display help screen
h2. Profile example
basedir "~/rails-apps/simple-blog" # basedir for the project
  add_window do |wo|     # the first window, user will interact here
    wo.basedir  = "."               # the same dir, or change it, if you like
    wo.profile  = "Default"         # Terminal profile, Go MainMenu->Edit->Profiles in your gnome-terminal to setup it.
    wo.geometry = "165x57+0+0"      # Large window окно, at left-top
    wo.add_tab do |to|              # editor №1 whole project
      to.command = 'vim'
    wo.add_tab do |to|              # editor №2 
      to.command = 'vim'
      to.dir = 'app'
    wo.add_tab do |to|              # editor №3 rspec
      to.command = 'vim'
      to.dir = 'spec'
      to.title = "rspec"
    wo.add_tab do |to|              # console №1
      to.title = "Shell"
    wo.add_tab do |to|              # console №2
      to.title = "Shell #2"
    wo.add_tab do |to|              # Rails console
      to.command = "rails c"
      to.title = "rails console"

  add_window do |wo|    # the second window, background tasks will run here.
    wo.profile  = "Small"             # Small font profile
    wo.geometry = "91x28+10000+10000"   # Small window at right bottom corner
    wo.add_tab :command => "autotest"       # autotest
    wo.add_tab :command => "compass watch"  # compass
    wo.add_tab :command => "rails s"        # local rails server :)
