资源说明:xbox kinect communicating with client side javascript via OSC and node.js
node-hands === intention --- node-hands is a straight forward nodejs library which provides live x, y, and z hand coordinates from an xbox kinect to the browser via socket.io. if you're so inclined, [click here for a demo video](http://vimeo.com/user6080011/node-hands). installation --- 1. install [libfreenect](openkinect.org/wiki/Getting_Started) 2. install [liblo](http://liblo.sourceforge.net/) 3. download and run node-hands git clone git@github.com:catshirt/node-hands.git cd node-hands npm install node server.js if you access [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) you'll have an open socket waiting for OSC messages. 4. compile and run bionic-dj git submodule init git submodule update cd lib/bionic-dj gcc -lfreenect -llo -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT -I ~/Code/libfreenect/include bionic_dj.c ./a.out where `~/Code/libfreenect/include` is the path to your libfreenect header files bionic-dj should now be sending OSC messages which nodejs forwards to the browser.