资源说明:Because CSS isn't evil enough already.
evil.css ======== Mess with peoples' webpages. Various subtle and not-so-subtle CSS rules that will slowly drive people insane. Inspired by [Upside-Down-Ternet](http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html) and kitcambridge's [evil.js](https://github.com/kitcambridge/evil.js/). Fork it and add your own evil rules. Worthy pull requests will be accepted. How to use it ------------- Inject it into unsuspecting users' webpages. evil.js was intended to wreak havoc on sites hotlinking JavaScript library files, however hotlinking CSS is far less common. Some other evil ideas: * Set it as the user stylesheet in a browser (example: discouraging "customers" at retail stores from using the computers to browse Facebook and check their email). * Inject it into webpages or CSS files served to WiFi leachers on your open access point. * Exploit this week's WordPress vulnerability and add it to your friend's blog. * Hack an Internet backbone router and inject it into _everyone's_ webpages. A script called `evil-safari-mac.sh` is included that automates setting Safari's user stylesheet to the latest version of evil.css. Run it on any Mac using Terminal.app with this easy to remember URL: curl -L bit.ly/evil-safari-mac | sh Uninstall it by deselecting the stylesheet in Safari's preferences, or execute this in a shell: defaults write "com.apple.Safari" "WebKitUserStyleSheetEnabledPreferenceKey" "1" Demo ---- This bookmarklet will inject the latest version of evil.css into any webpage, just copy and paste into the URL bar and hit enter: javascript:(function(d,l){l=d.createElement("link");l.rel="stylesheet";l.href="https://rawgithub.com/tlrobinson/evil.css/master/evil.css";d.body.appendChild(l)})(document); See Also -------- * [`evil.js`](https://github.com/kitcambridge/evil.js) * [`evil.sh`](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/evil.sh) Credits ------- * [@tlrobinson](https://twitter.com/tlrobinson) * [@paulbaumgart](https://twitter.com/paulbaumgart) * [@cconger](https://twitter.com/cconger) License ------- Public domain. Obligatory disclaimer --------------------- evil.css is purely for entertainment purposes. I'm not responsible for anything you do with evil.css, nor do I suggest doing any of the above activities, especially hacking backbone routers.